Bond Election

Fox, Champagne Re-Elected to Katy School Board, Bond Approved

Rebecca Fox (Rebecca Fox photo)

By George Slaughter Katy Independent School District voters re-elected two school board trustees Saturday while also approving a $676 million bond. The board will meet May 12 to canvass the returns. In the Position 6 race, motivational speaker and former trustee Rebecca Fox defeated incumbent Susan Gesoff and three other challengers to win re-election to the board. Fox previously served in the Position 2 seat from 2004-2019. She sought the Position 1 seat that year, […]

Smith, Hicks Elected to Katy City Council

Gina Hicks (Gina Hicks photo)

By George Slaughter Katy city voters braved the rain Saturday to elect two new city council members, approve $6 million in bonds, and approve updates to the Katy City Charter. In the Ward A council race, Dan Smith, a territory senior manager, defeated Diane Walker, who works as a virtual assistant. Smith received 446 votes, or 72%. Walker received 172 votes, or 18%. “I am humbled by the results of the election and excited for […]

Absentee Voting Begins for City, School Board Elections

By George Slaughter Absentee balloting began Monday for races and bond elections in both the City of Katy and the Katy Independent School District. Election Day is May 1, but the city and school elections have different end dates for absentee balloting. City of Katy Two seats on the city council, a $6 million bond issue, and updates to the Katy City Charter, are on the ballot. In the Ward A council race, incumbent Dusty […]

Former Katy Mayor Shares Highlights of METRO Plan to Improve Service

By George Slaughter Katy residents in Harris County and in part of Fort Bend County are being asked to consider supporting a $3.5 billion METRO-sponsored bond issue designed to improve public transportation. Former Katy Mayor Don Elder, who now serves on the METRO board of directors, shared plan highlights at the Katy Business Association luncheon, held Wednesday afternoon at La Estancia Italian Restaurant, 5361 E. 5th St. The need for improving, and in some cases expanding, […]

Harris County Voters to Decide $2.5 Billion Flood-Risk Bond Issue

Harris County Judge Ed Emmett speaks at an information meeting Wednesday - George Slaughter photo

By George Slaughter Hurricane Harvey made its mark on Harris County and Southeast Texas last year. Later this month, county voters will decide on a $2.5 billion bond package focused on flood-risk reduction projects. Katy-area residents learned about the proposal at a public information meeting held at Memorial Parkway Junior High School, 21203 Highland Knolls. Harris County Judge Ed Emmett said that the hurricane caused approximately 160,000 flooded homes, in addition to businesses and schools. […]

Dowdle Re-Elected to Katy City Council; Corte, Harris Elected

By George Slaughter Katy Ward B Council Member Durran Dowdle was re-elected to his post Saturday, while challengers Chris Harris and Janet Corte won their respective races for council member at-large and Ward A council member, respectively. Dowdle was re-elected to his third and final term under term limits. Harris and Corte were making their first bids for public office. The trio will take their oaths of office later this month. Ward B Dowdle drew […]

City Voters to Consider Bond Propositions on Ballot

By George Slaughter Following the 2016 Tax Day Flood and Hurricane Harvey last year, officials at all levels of government have been working on flood preventative issues for the Katy and Southeast Texas areas. The proposed Cypress Creek reservoir, for instance, is being addressed at the federal level. But for the City of Katy, Mayor Chuck Brawner said it was important that local officials focus on what they can do locally. “It’s important for us […]

City Bond Election in the Works as Engineering Firm Makes Recommendations for Pine Forest Subdivision Flood Protection

Mayor Chuck Brawner

By George Slaughter Voters in the City of Katy can expect a bond election next spring to pay for needed engineering work to mitigate flood danger. The bond will coincide with next May’s city election. Mayor Chuck Brawner said he was not sure of what the final figure would be, though he estimated it would be in the $10 million range. Of this figure, $3.3 million would be earmarked for the four recommendations given to […]

KISD Holds State of District Breakfast to Celebrate Achievements and Promote Bond Election

Dr. Lance Hindt, Katy ISD Superintendent (Katy ISD photo)

By George Slaughter Katy Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Lance Hindt spoke in favor of a school bond proposal before voters and praised recent faculty and student achievements at a “State of the District 2017” breakfast event Wednesday morning. The achievements included how district faculty, staff, and students dealt with Hurricane Harvey. The area received 52 inches of rain in four days, he said, and 15,000 students were impacted. Creech Elementary School, 5905 S. Mason […]

Katy School District Bond Election Takes Center Stage as Early Voting Begins Next Week

Lee Crews, chief operations officer for the Katy Independent School District (George Slaughter photo)

By George Slaughter Supporters and opponents of a Katy school bond package are reaching out to their allies as the issue goes before voters next week. The bond is worth $609 million. Of this, approximately $449 million, or 74%, is for six new schools—one high school, two junior high schools, and three elementary schools. Other items covered, with approximate costs, include: Component Replacements $52 million (9%). Comprehensive Renovation: $21 million (3%). Safety & Security Improvements: […]