To Egg or Not to Egg; that is the Question

Anyone who has ever done any research regarding weight loss knows that the fitness market is saturated with a dime a dozen diets and workouts guaranteeing that you’ll drop the extra fat in a matter of minutes. Many of these diets are keyed to weight loss by simply avoiding, or eating one specific type of food alone.

One such diet is the 14-day egg diet plan, also known as the hard-boiled egg diet. As the name suggests, this diet is a restrictive low-carbohydrate option, relying on eating boiled eggs, non starchy vegetables, and lean proteins. It is one of the rather well-known contenders, promising a loss of up to 25 pounds (11 kilograms!) in just two weeks if you follow its structured meal plan. Some health gurus also recommend light cardio throughout, to accelerate the benefits.

As with any such claim, you have to wonder: Is it too good to be true?

What Exactly IS the Hard-Boiled Egg Diet?

The two-week egg diet is based on the Arielle Chandler’s 2018 book titled “The Boiled Egg Diet: The Easy, Fast Way to Weight Loss! Lose Up to 25 Pounds in 2 Short Weeks!” The title is rather self explanatory, and basically claims that a combination of boiled eggs, low carb veggies and proteins will help melt away your extra body fat due to a natural metabolism boost. The egg diet is also common in another popular dieting trend, the keto diet, known as the Keto Egg Fast.

Essentially, the common principle between the two remains the same: the lack of carbohydrates in your diet encourages your body into a state called ketosis. Ketosis is the process that occurs when your body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. Instead, it turns to burning your body fat and producing ketones, which it then uses for fuel.

The high egg diet doesn’t mean you’ll be eating eggs exclusively. Instead, it is a dieting approach similar to that of the Atkins diet, and it focuses on limiting the number of carbohydrates you consume.

On this version of the egg diet plan, you are allowed to eat 2-3 boiled eggs for breakfast along with non-starchy low-carb vegetables or a piece of low-sugar fruit. For lunch and dinner, you may eat another serving of eggs or a small portion of lean protein from food sources like chicken or fish.

Does it Actually Work?

This diet is a great tool for quick shedding of weight and body fat. But that is all a diet is: a tool. Unless your lifestyle changes alongside your eating habits, your optimal shape will be hard to maintain.

While many people swear by this diet as gospel, it is not recommended to follow it for more than 4 consecutive weeks due to its restrictive nature. Two to three weeks are ideal, after which you should return to a richer diet which will not limit you. This ensures that you will not suffer from vitamin or nutrient deficiencies. This diet can be done 3-5 times per year, lasting 2-4 weeks each time, to achieve quick weight loss results.

However, a point to remember is that every person and their weight loss journeys are different and while there is no harm in trying or following something like the egg diet, it is best to consult your doctor beforehand, and listen to your body’s warnings during it. If you employ responsibility and do not abuse the diet or your body, it can be just the tool you need in your arsenal of weight loss.