Katy ISD Announces Secondary Gifted and Talented Screening

Katy ISD Announces Secondary Gifted and Talented Screening  

KATY [September 16, 2020] –  Gifted and talented (GT) screenings for incoming secondary students are now taking place at Katy Independent School District.  Katy ISD encourages all parents of current fifth-grade students who have not yet been identified for the gifted and talented program and headed to junior high school to sign up for Secondary GT screening.  Students currently in fifth grade, who have not participated in the elementary Challenge Program, have the opportunity to be […]

Katy ISD Announces Secondary Gifted and Talented Screening  

KATY [September 4, 2018] –  Katy Independent School District encourages all parents who have a child who is gifted and talented (GT) and headed to junior high school to sign up for a secondary GT screening.  Students currently in fifth grade who are not identified as part of the elementary Challenge Program have the opportunity to be screened for GT program services. If parents would like to refer their child for secondary GT screening they must […]