The whole ebook scene is totally booming, and it’s a big deal. Everyone is always after good quality ebooks, either it’s for stories, learning something new, or just a guide for work. There’s already a lot of gadgets and services all over the internet. Each one promises a potential way to turn words into a digital hit. Although not all of them can guarantee you a winning method. There’s a difference between just picking up […]
Award-Winning Writer Michelle Sandlin Unveils Inspirational Book: “Cancer Don’t Care”
SuburbanBuzz Publishing proudly announces the release of “Cancer Don’t Care,” a raw, emotional, and at times humorous memoir by award-winning writer and bestselling author, Michelle Sandlin. This highly anticipated book debuted as a #1 bestseller and new release, and is available for purchase on Amazon in Kindle, hardcover, and paperback formats. About the Author: Michelle Sandlin is a seasoned writer, widely known for her journalistic accomplishments, as well as for her compelling storytelling, poetry, and […]
Harmony Science Academy – Sugar Land 1st Grader Publishes 1st Book
Do you remember what you were doing when you were in first grade? Chances are you were not publishing your first book, but that’s what Harmony Science Academy- Sugar Land‘s Neal Gupta has done. Gupta was 5 years old when he started writing the book and worked with an illustrator in Pakistan to create the pictures. The book titled, Jim’s Adventures in the Forest follows Jim who goes for an adventure inside the forest behind his house. He […]
Shield Bearer Counseling Centers Executive Director, Thad Cardine, has published his first book
This book is more than just practical advice. It’s also a way to support Shield Bearer Counseling Centers Executive Director, Thad Cardine, has published his first book‘ mission to providing counseling, group therapy, community workshops, and professional training seminars to those in greatest need. “Solutions to Common Parenting Dilemmas” by Thad Cardine is for parents who are looking for practical advice and effective strategies to navigate common parenting woes. Gleaning from decades of experience in helping […]
Texas Libraries Launch Local Author Contest
The Texas Center for the Book is pleased to join in the announcement of a local author contest that will accept submissions of adult and young adult fiction, to be recognized as the top indie-published e-books in Texas by the Texas Author Project. Winners in each category will receive $1,000, as well as: Honors at the 2023 Indie Author Day reception Opportunities to promote the winning title at Texas public libraries Inclusion in a full-page […]
Texas Libraries Launch Local Author Contest
The Texas Center for the Book is pleased to join in the announcement of a local author contest that will accept submissions of adult and young adult fiction, to be recognized as the top indie-published e-books in Texas by the Texas Author Project. Winners in each category will receive $1,000, as well as: Honors at the 2023 Indie Author Day reception Opportunities to promote the winning title at Texas public libraries Inclusion in a full-page […]
Houston Symphony Announces The Return Of The Harry Potter Film Concert Series With Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets™ In Concert
Audiences will experience the second chapter of the Harry Potter Film Concert Series with The Houston Symphony performing John Williams’ music from the film live to picture Film Stills · TRAILER Tickets available starting March 2 at The Harry Potter Film Concert Series returns to Jones Hall with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Concert, the second film in the Harry Potter series. On May 10 and 11, 2024, The Houston Symphony will perform John Williams’ unforgettable score live […]
Top stationery items for school kids
School is the best stage of an individual’s life. It is that stage that creates the foundation of your life. For students, these are the colorful years they spend with their teachers and friends. When getting ready for school, there are several things that you must keep in place. The most important one is the stationary items. These are essential items that help you complete your task effectively. They play a vital role in your […]
How to Concentrate on Studying and Any Other Activity
We live in an age of perennial distraction. You, me, your neighbor, your teacher, everyone. We are all constantly immersed in an unstoppable flow of information, stimuli, feedback, and entertainment that mix with each other, transforming into a digital and analog tangle together from which we are unable to detach ourselves. The benefits of living in this flow are indisputable, but the risk is, in the long run, of losing the ability to truly stay […]
The Reasons Why You Waste Time Rather Than Study
– Oh, now I’m going to study, a good productive day… – But it is the last episode of Falcon & The Winter Soldier out? And do they fight with super soldiers? Oh well, come on, it lasts 40 minutes, in the end, it certainly does not change my day, I shoot it, and then immediately afterward it goes under for exams. * 6 hours, 4 episodes of lol, 12 online squabbles, and 27 YouTube […]