What Do You Need to Know about Enclosed Litter Boxes?

If you notice the playtime of the cats, you will find them playing under the sofa, bed, or any other closed spaces. This is because cats love enclosed spaces more than anything.

In the wild, cats are both prey and wild. They always seek spaces where they can hide from their enemies. The tunnel or the enclosed litter box you choose will provide a sense of security to your cats, even though there are no threats that can harm them.

Their preference for tight spaces explains why the cats always love enclosed boxes. If you’ve heard that the cats prefer open-top litter solutions, this is correct. As per studies, cats prefer enclosed spaces more than open spaces.

However, hygiene and comfort are some essential factors cats prefer in their litter boxes. Therefore, if the litter box is not large or comfortable, even though it’s enclosed, your cats might not prefer them. Here are some FAQs you need to know about the enclosed litter boxes.

Do Cats Prefer Enclosed Litter Boxes?

This is one of the most debatable topics you should know about the enclosed litter boxes. As per various reports, cats prefer enclosed litter boxes. This is because they set a sense of security.

Are Enclosed Litter Boxes Better than the Open Ones?

The best litter box for your cat is something that will be liked by your cat. Some cats love the enclosed litter boxes, whereas others prefer the open litter boxes. Therefore, you need to provide both types of litter boxes to your cat to determine which one is best for them.

Most cats prefer accessible, comfortable, and clean litter boxes and don’t care much about the tops. Cat owners prefer the enclosed litter boxes because they can help them control bad smells and contain litter.

Additionally, keep in mind that enclosed litter boxes don’t smell unless you implement improper or no cleaning methods. As you scoop and wash the enclosed litter boxes properly, you won’t need to bear any stinking smell.

There are multiple factors you need to remember while choosing a litter box for your cat. Before discussing the advantages of the enclosed litter boxes, let’s take a look at the factors that you need to consider while purchasing a litter box for your cats.

The Entrance and Exit 

These are the two important things you need to consider about the litter boxes. If you purchase a litter box that doesn’t have a proper entrance and exit, your cats might get hurt while entering or exiting the litter boxes. Additionally, if you have a kitten, they might fail to get into the litter boxes. Ensure that each side of the enclosed litter box is low enough so that your cats don’t face any problem entering or exiting.

The Aim of Your Cats

If your cats don’t have a good aim, the enclosed litter boxes will help you a lot. If they have bad aim and you choose open litter boxes, they might kick the litter out of the box which will create a mess. You also need to choose a litter box that comes with higher sides or an enclosed space. Additionally, if you think that cleaning the litter boxes is a time-consuming process, you need to choose self-cleaning litter boxes. However, we would recommend you not to purchase the self-cleaning litter boxes.

The Material 

The material is another important thing you should consider while choosing the enclosed litter box for your cats. You need to ensure that the material of the litter box is made of durable and heavy plastic. These materials are extremely easy to clean and will also stand the test of time. Make sure you don’t purchase litter boxes that are made of weak or flimsy materials. They are not only frustrating to clean but also don’t have a longer lifespan.

The Quantity 

You need to determine whether you want one or multiple enclosed litter boxes for your cats. Generally, you should purchase one extra litter box so that you don’t face problems while cleaning one. You also need to place the boxes in such areas where they can easily be accessed by the cats. If you don’t have enough places to store multiple litter boxes, you need to ensure their proper cleaning.

There are many advantages of choosing enclosed litter boxes over open litter boxes. Continue reading the article to know more.

They Cab Conceal the Mess

If you’re using an open litter box for your cat, chances are that they create a mess while using the litter box. Most of the time, cats throw the litter out of the box which is undoubtedly a messy situation.

Unlike the traditional litter boxes, you will be able to conceal the mess if you use the enclosed litter boxes. Just because you have a cat in your household doesn’t mean you need to make your room full of mess. As per Medical News Today, personal hygiene is essential. Enclosed litter boxes are out-of-sight and your cats will be able to poop comfortably. Not to mention, they won’t be able to throw the litter out. However, make sure you clean the litter boxes properly so that you can avoid any health complications for your cats.

Prevent Your Cats from Litter Tracking 

Many homeowners face themselves in such a situation where they need to brush off the pebbles from the bottom of their feet. They also notice signs of litter on the floor of the house that not only affect the appearance but also the hygiene. When you purchase an enclosed litter box at thepetstaff.comyou will be able to save yourself from these troubles.

Before cats start to poop, they have a habit of digging the litter. Sometimes litter will come out of the box and spill throughout the entire room. However, with the help of an enclosed litter box, you won’t have to worry about this issue.

No Smell 

When you choose a high-quality and large enclosed litter box, you won’t have to tolerate any type of bad smell that might come from the poop or the litter. One of the best benefits of the enclosed litter boxes is that they are extremely effective at containing a bad smell. This is a primary reason why many cat owners prefer enclosed litter boxes over open ones. But keep in mind that your enclosed litter box will still smell if you don’t pay attention to the cleaning process.

When cleaned properly, the box won’t emit a bad smell. Apart from that, enclosed litter boxes are full of privacy. Therefore, you and your guests don’t need to look while your cat poops or pees.

They Work as an Accent 

As the homeowner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your home looks great and eye-catching. Just because you have a cat or an enclosed litter box doesn’t mean that your house will look unattractive. Your home deserves more than just open boxes, plastic trays, and laundry baskets. You will find cat litter box furniture items in the market that will undoubtedly help you improve the overall appearance of your house.

As the enclosed litter boxes come with an elegant look, you don’t need to worry about them degrading the look and feel of your home. The enclosed litter boxes will look great as per the aesthetic of your house.

They Can Solve War between Dog and Cat 

If you have both cats and dogs in your home, they will undoubtedly fight. But dogs prefer eating cat poop. You cannot change this fact.

If you have a traditional litter box, you might be thinking of dog-proofing the litter box with the help of a latch, doorstep, or baby gate. However, these solutions are more problematic for dogs rather than cats.

If you’re finding an effective solution to end this war between your cat and dog, you need to consider purchasing the enclosed litter boxes. Remember that dogs can contract intestinal worms and bacterial infections from eating the cat feces. Additionally, if your dog consumes too much litter, it will cause severe health problems. Therefore, you need to prevent your dog from eating the litter. When you but enclosed litter boxes, the litter won’t get out from the box, which will prevent the dog from eating them.

Travel is Super-Easy 

If you’re planning to travel with your cats, you need to consider a lot of factors such as toys, water, food, towels, and other types of pet-friendly accommodations that will make your cat comfortable.

Keeping all these factors in mind, it’s better if you and your cat venture on a new journey with a durable enclosed litter box. This way you will be able to prevent any type of litter spillage during the journey.

Preserve the Dignity of the Cats 

Just like us humans, cats also require privacy. This is why many cats cannot poop if you stare or look at them during that process. When you purchase an enclosed litter box for your cat, your cat will have no problem but retreat in peace. As the enclosed litter boxes are not completely boxed, they won’t feel trapped and can hear you calling them.


This is everything you need to know about enclosed litter boxes. If you have any other questions, make sure you comment below.