5 Great Reasons to Pursue a Career In Nursing

2020 was the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, when medical professionals across the world came to the fore in the fight against the flu-like coronavirus that mercilessly stole the lives of millions of vulnerable people. Doctors, nurses and healthcare workers become everyday heroes in this global battle. For anyone who was considering a career in the medical field, there was never a more inspirational moment than this.

Even before the time of Florence Nightingale, nursing has been regarded as an incredibly noble profession, but it’s not a career for everyone. The long hours, along with the physical and emotional demands of the job are enough to put many people off. However, if you are looking for a truly fulfilling career that provides job satisfaction on a daily basis, then nursing may just be the vocation for you.

Whether you are looking to make a career change or you are a high school student weighing the pros and cons of working in medicine, nursing is a professional path well worth considering. Here are some of the best reasons to enroll for your bachelor of science in nursing :

There Are No Shortage of Job Opportunities

Nursing is one of the most highly employable fields, so there’s no need to stress about potential unemployment upon completing your degree. Over 90% of graduate nurses find employment in the field after finishing their degree. Furthermore, with nursing being a very broad field of work, there’s a fairly high chance you’ll be offered a range of job opportunities in a variety of areas.

Provided that you’ve done well in your studies, you can take your pick when it comes to job placements. Another thing worth noting is that nurses are in short supply all over the world, so as a qualified nurse, you’ll have the option of working in far-flung locations if you choose to. Moreover, nursing jobs in more obscure places can be quite lucrative.

Financial Support Available

Governments across the globe recognize the important role that nurses play in the health of their nurses. As such, you’ll find that many countries offer financial support for those who choose to pursue a career in nursing. Naturally, the amount of financial aid available will depend on where you choose to study, but it is well worth exploring your options here.

Job Satisfaction Guaranteed

It’s no secret that working in medicine can be harrowing at times. As a nurse, you’ll likely have to see parents say goodbye to their sick children or perhaps watch an elderly person become a fraction of their old self as dementia takes over. Episodes like this can take their toll on a person emotionally. With that being said, there will also be a strong sense of fulfillment in being able to offer people comfort during their darkest hours. Nursing is much more than just a regular job, it is a vocation. It is not the job for someone motivated by money but for those who want to experience a real sense of purpose each day. 

Plenty of Opportunities for Specialization

Depending on your skills and experience, you’ll find that there are plenty of opportunities to specialize in nursing. Whether you are keen to focus on pediatrics, or you have a special interest in mental health nursing, opportunities abound for hard-working and talented nurses. Furthermore, even though nursing is not a suitable path for financially motivated individuals, the salaries for specialist nurses are fairly sufficient.

It’s a Great Option for a Career Change

Nursing is a popular career choice among people who are looking for a career change and keen on doing something meaningful. Perhaps you’ve already retired, but feel motivated to give back to society while still earning an income. What’s more, having more life experience under your belt could make you better placed to face the challenges of the job.

Like most professions, a career in nursing will have both challenges and benefits. In addition to high levels of job satisfaction, you’ll receive respect and admiration from those around you. Moreover, if you choose to specialize and find a niche, there will be plenty of opportunities for career progression. It may have taken a pandemic for the world to truly realize the remarkable contribution nurses make, but hopefully more people will be encouraged to take up a career in nursing as a result. If you feel you have what it takes to get the job done well, don’t hesitate to commit to the vocation and start studying today.