
Harris County’s ‘StoryMap’ Awarded State Accolade on Innovation at 2021 TAMIO Conference

TAMIO is an affiliate of the Texas Municipal League, which was organized in 1913 and currently represents some 98% of Texas’ urban population through its more than 1,150 member cities. Guided by its purpose statement—Empowering Texas cities to serve their citizens—the League helps city leaders meet the ever-changing challenges of governance. As partners, TML and TAMIO offer the best in representation and assistance to cities and their respective colleagues.  

The Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (HCOHSEM) was honored with state best innovation award at the annual Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO) conference in Round Rock. HCOHSEM is one of many jurisdictions that have faced the unprecedented challenge of providing clear public information on COVID-19. As the emergency management agency for the third largest county in the nation, HCOHSEM created the COVID-19 StoryMap to create awareness and educate the […]