Olson Statement On Special Counsel Investigation

Olson Statement On Special Counsel Investigation

Rep. Pete Olson

Washington, DC – Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22) today issued the following statement on the Justice Department appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel: “House and Senate committees are currently investigating allegations related to Russian actions surrounding the presidential election and more recently, the decision to fire FBI Director Comey. This investigation is important and needs to continue. The Justice Department decision to appoint a special counsel to conduct their own investigation will […]

Olson Statement On Special Counsel Investigation

Rep. Pete Olson

Washington, DC – Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22) today issued the following statement on the Justice Department appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel: “House and Senate committees are currently investigating allegations related to Russian actions surrounding the presidential election and more recently, the decision to fire FBI Director Comey. This investigation is important and needs to continue. The Justice Department decision to appoint a special counsel to conduct their own investigation will […]