5 Ways To Increase Your Reading Speed

Why are so many people hooked with reading fast and mastering speed reading? One of the main reasons is they want to save time and increase their productivity. Imagine how cool it would be if you could read a book 2 times faster?

In this article, we’ll walk you through 5 super effective ways on how to increase reading speed and read more in less time.

If you are interested in other actionable ways on how you can save your time and improve your academic performance, feel free to visit https://writemypaper4me.org/.

Calm Your Mind and Get Focused

The most common issue that you can face when you want to learn to read faster is the lack of focus and inner monologue that is happening in your head. Don’t try to analyze the information while you are reading it. The goal of speed reading is to absorb as much information as possible in less time. Focus on this one thing and don’t think about anything else in the process.

At first, it can be quite challenging. However, if you continue to take effort and develop a habit, it will be an easy thing for you to do.

Get Rid of Sub-Vocalization

Sub-vocalization is the process of pronouncing each word in your mind while you are reading the text. It slows down your reading speed tremendously. Forbes shares the stats that the speed of reading aloud of the average person is around 300 words per minute. It means if you are pronouncing words in your mind, you are actually limiting yourself to this speed.


To deal with it effectively, you can try another method of reading. Don’t read each word. Instead, scan each line as fast as you can and perceive the whole section of the text at one glance.

Don’t Reread the Words

This is another effective way to increase the speed of reading. If you reread words, it slows down your progress sufficiently. To avoid this, you can use a blank notecard to cover the text that you’ve read. In this way, you put the words that you’ve read outside of your field of vision. You are not distracted by them anymore. As a result, your speed of reading increases.

Master the Pointer Method

This method is very effective for improving your focus. The idea that stands behind it is that you need to use your finger to point the line that you are currently reading. Alternatively, you can also use a blank note card to follow the lines.

The Scanning Method

As the name suggests, you scan the whole page with your eyes. Doing this, you try to find and grasp some key phrases and words. You look for the most important things in the text like names, key ideas, numbers, etc.


Hopefully, now you know how to increase reading speed effectively. If you combine all these methods together and practice them daily, you will definitely see great results in no time.