3 Common Causes of Fire in Winter and How To Avoid Them

Winter in Australia is full of long chilly nights and a long wait for the warm spring days.  During this season, we use the maximum electricity to keep our homes and offices warm and pleasant. This is especially true for those homes which are not built properly to withstand the low winter temperatures.

Apart from the inflated power bill, we tend to spend most of our time indoors during winter, lighting a few extra candles to make indoor spaces light and livable in lieu of fresh air from open windows, which can significantly increase the threat of a fire. According to the Fire Rescue Department of Australia, 1100 home fires occur every winter.

While it takes almost three minutes for a fire to get out of control, it takes only three seconds to destroy everything in its path.

Here are the three common causes of fire in the winter season.

3 Common Causes of Fire in Winter

  1. Electrical Outlets and Fixtures:

Faulty electrical outlets and fixtures are one of Australia’s leading causes of winter fires. As stated before, indoor power consumption increases significantly during winter as most of us try to remain indoors to escape the chill.

Two primary sources of electrical fires are old sockets or wiring, and overloaded sockets or power boards. Apart from that, faulty appliances can also start a fire. During winter, we use additional electrical items to stay warm, like heaters, or use the thermostat at high power. It can lead to power overloads causing a short circuit.

Old or faulty wiring in office buildings open businesses to increased fire risk, compromising the safety of employees. Apart from that, it can also cause data loss and property damage while hampering productivity.

Such incidents can be easily prevented or avoided with the help of fire protection professionals. To lower the risk of electrical fire during winters, contact fire experts to install proper fire suppression and control equipment at potential risk areas. They will also inspect your office space to identify all the problematic areas and points that can start electrical fires.

The professionals will develop an evacuation plan based on the findings with marked assembly points and exits. If required, they will also give proper fire training to the employees on workplace fire safety, fire equipment handling, and more.

The management must also take some steps from their side to avoid such accidents from happening. While smoke alarms are mandatory, you must maintain your electrical fixtures and wiring to prevent accidents. Here are a few common indicators of a fire that can help you keep your employees and business safe:

  • Fluctuations in power
  • Burning smell
  • Loose power outlets
  • Sparks in power outlets
  • Extension cords in the walkways or lobbies

Preventive maintenance is the only way to stop a winter fire from electrical sources. Fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, sprinklers, and suppression systems can control fire. However, only you can stop it from starting in the first place.

  1. Candles:

Office premises often feel stuffy during winter, which makes many people feel claustrophobic. To enjoy the smell of fresh air, many people light scented candles while working from their desk in the office.

While these scented candles spruce things up a bit, they can also start severe fires in office spaces. There have been many instances where burning candles or semi-burnt wicks was the source of huge winter fires.

While we are dissuading you from using scented candles, it is best to be a little careful while using them. Keep them away from curtains, papers, or any flammable or combustible material. Also, never leave the room with the candle burning. If possible, switch over to flameless options like electrical air fresheners and oil diffusers that you can use in place of scented candles.

  1. Heaters:

Lastly, baseboards and space heaters are culprits of indoor winter fires. Dirty heaters are a leading cause of fire incidents in winter. Placing flammable objects too close to the heater is a common source of most indoor fire accidents.

If your office uses baseboard heaters, ensure to place the furniture at safe distances to avoid them from catching flames. Maintain and clean the heaters at regular intervals to prevent electrical fires.

Preventable Measures You Can Take to Avoid Fire in Winter

Entrusting fire protection professionals is the best way to ensure fire protection for your office premises. They will be able to identify potential risk points and address them by installing proper fire control and suppression equipment. You can also follow the NSW Fire & Rescue checklist to fireproof your business space. Below are some things you can check off the list to maintain fire safety.

  • Contact fire protection professionals to install high-quality smoke alarms
  • Ask fire experts to inspect the office space and come up with a proper evacuation plan
  • Maintain and clean heaters and vents

The Bottom-line

Dealing with the aftermath of a disastrous fire is challenging. You not only face financial and data loss, but such an incident also hampers productivity indefinitely. It is better to be safe than sorry and work with trusted professionals to maintain fire safety within your office space.