THC-O: What to Know About the Synthetic Cannabinoid

Synthetic cannabinoids, commonly known as Spice, K2, or fake weed, are man-made chemicals intended to mimic THC effects, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. These synthetic compounds are not natural, but, instead, are created in laboratories and packaged for sale. Cannabinoid receptors in the brain and elsewhere in the body react to natural THC with a response that includes relaxation, a sense of euphoria, and other pleasant sensations. However, some people try out synthetic cannabinoids because they want to experience similar effects to other popular THC-O products without actually getting high on marijuana. Thankfully, these substances have not gained nearly as much traction as real cannabis among regular users. Tag along and learn more!

What is THC-O?

According to Leafwell, THC-O, short for tetrahydrocannabinol-oxygen, is a synthetic cannabinoid designed to mimic the effects of THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis. In some cases, it may also contain other chemicals to boost its potency. As with other synthetic cannabinoids, it is not derived from an actual cannabis plant.

It is instead manufactured in a lab and packaged into either a powder or liquid form that is then sprayed onto dry plant material, such as tobacco or herbs, to be sold. It is one of more than 100 synthetic cannabinoids. Though it’s difficult to accurately gauge how many people have consumed synthetic cannabinoids overall, consumption of these substances is generally not widespread.

How is THC-O Used?

Apart from the dried plant material that is sprayed with a liquid or powder form of the chemical, there are no other products available to the general public. This means that users must manufacture their products, such as joints or edibles, to consume. As is the case with many synthetic cannabinoids, THC-O is typically smoked. There’s no way to know for sure exactly how much of this compound is in a given product.

How THC-O Affects the Body

Like other synthetic cannabinoids, the THC-O effect is designed to activate cannabinoid receptors in the brain and elsewhere in the body. These receptors are the same ones that are activated by the naturally occurring compound found in cannabis, THC. These receptors help to regulate mood, pain, and other physiological processes in the body.

While the synthetic compound is designed to recreate the effects of THC, it does so to a different degree and with different results in different people. In some cases, it will activate the same receptors but with a stronger response than that caused by natural THC. In others, it could activate the same receptors but with a weaker response. The outcome in any given situation also depends on how much of the compound an individual consumes, how often they use it, and the regularity with which they do so.

Legality of THC-O

THC-O is illegal in the United States and many other countries around the world. It falls under the Schedule I category of controlled substances, which means that it is considered to have no legitimate medical applications and a high potential for abuse. There are no regulatory standards for the production of synthetic cannabinoids.

Because of this, manufacturers can’t guarantee that a given product is safe to use or even contains the compound that it is advertised as containing. These products have been found to contain other substances, including Fentanyl, a highly potent opioid.

Is THC-O Safe to Use?

Given what is known about the effects of synthetic cannabinoids, including THC-O, it is unlikely that any product made from these compounds is completely safe to use. Individuals who have used synthetic cannabinoids have reported experiencing a wide range of negative side effects, including:

  • nausea and vomiting,
  • agitation,
  • hallucinations,
  • rapid heartbeat,
  • changes in blood pressure,
  • confusion,
  • and seizures.

These are just a few of the harmful effects that have been reported. It is important to keep in mind that the only way to know for sure whether a given product is safe is to know its ingredients. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know what is actually in the product unless it is tested in a laboratory. And even then it is hard to know if the product that made it onto the market is the same one that was tested.


As the name would suggest, THC O is a synthetic cannabinoid designed to create the same effects as THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis. While it is similar to THC in that it can activate cannabinoid receptors, it does so to a different degree and with different results in different people. Like other synthetic cannabinoids, it is not derived from an actual cannabis plant. There’s no way to know for sure exactly how much of this compound is in a given product. While it’s advertised as a safe and legal alternative to THC, there’s no way to know for sure. The best course of action is to steer clear of synthetic cannabinoids and stick with the real thing.