10 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make To Be More Healthy

Whether you’re just deciding to make a change to a healthier lifestyle or you’re already far along on the path, the choice to lead a less unhealthy existence is not an easy one. Many creature comforts that we take for granted are actually making us less healthy; it takes time, patience, and energy to decide that you want to change your ways. Congratulations on taking the first step! Switching to a healthier lifestyle doesn’t have to be arduous or difficult; you can make it fun and engaging for yourself. Here are 10 lifestyle changes you can make to be more healthy.

1. Eat a plant-based diet

Studies have shown that eating a plant-based diet is significantly healthier than eating one that incorporates meat on a large scale. The ideal diet is one that balances all kinds of nutrition and doesn’t take in any unhealthy food at all, and while that may not be attainable in a general sense, you can definitely eat less meat to be healthier. The food industry is trending towards less meat and more sustainable production, too. Don’t believe us? Just take a look at this cool infographic from the folks at Betway casino!

2. Take up cycling

Cycling is one of the most environmentally friendly and healthy ways to get around. Every time you go cycling, you’re pedaling, so you’re getting exercise, but you’re also ensuring that you’re not expelling fumes into the air. Cycling is much faster than walking, too, so if you want to get exercise while you travel but you’re not into walking, cycling can be an excellent middle ground. Whether you go for a fully manual bike or an e-bike, you can’t lose!

3. Cook more at home

Replace ready meals from the supermarket with home-cooked meals, and you’ll be amazed at the health benefits. Your nutritional intake will improve exponentially, you’ll have more fun eating, and you’ll increase your skills in the kitchen too. Cooking is remarkably easy; all you need is some ingredients and the desire to create delicious meals from scratch. Meals can be thrown together with just spices, vegetables, and a carb like rice, so there’s no excuse not to start!

4. Try not to drive

If your workplace is far from where you live, then try to replace driving your car with taking public transport such as buses or trains. If you work in the city, there’s probably a route that accommodates your workplace, so try to find out where that is – even if it requires a little walking, that will help you to become more healthy too. Driving is often the lazy option – unless you have a huge distance to cover and you can’t take a train, there’s almost always an alternative!

5. Fill your house with plants

Plants have incredible benefits when it comes to your health. They’ve been shown to improve your mood, reduce tiredness, and improve the air quality around you so that you’re breathing better. What’s more, some well-placed plants also elevate the aesthetic of a room. Interiors can often look drab without some life in them, so installing plants is a great idea. If you won’t have time to care for demanding plants, try less intensive options like aloe vera or snake plants.

6. Get exercise

If you’re not much of a walker and you don’t like cycling, then you could consider getting your exercise at the gym or by watching a YouTube fitness video. However you do it, exercise is a very important part of a healthier lifestyle. It doesn’t need to be lengthy or intensive; adults only need to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. That’s around 30 minutes of walking each day, as long as you keep up a decent pace. Most people can incorporate that into their lifestyle without making too much of a sacrifice.

7. Drink more water

The deleterious effects of not drinking enough water have been well-documented. A lack of water contributes to issues like constipation; dehydration can give you headaches; and if you don’t drink enough water, you could find your food harder to digest or even swallow. It doesn’t have to be straight glasses of water (although that’s the best way to stay hydrated); you can drink sugar-free squash or cordial if you like, or even tea and coffee, which count despite what you may hear.

8. Ensure a regular sleep cycle

Getting regular sleep is one of the hardest things about modern life. With so much visual stimulation from screens and devices, the blue light emissions alone can be enough to stop you from getting an adequate amount of high-quality sleep. If you want to help yourself drift off at night, don’t use your phone for an hour or so before you sleep, listen to relaxing music, and don’t drink coffee later in the afternoon. All of these can assist you in raising the quality of your sleep.

9. Look after your mental health

As a society, we desperately need to destigmatise not only mental health itself, but also the idea of getting therapy. It’s not just “mentally ill” people who benefit from therapy (whatever that label actually means); everyone could stand to go into therapy to help them become a better and more well-rounded person. If you’ve never stopped to consider your own mental health, be sure that you set aside some time to do so, because it’s a very important part of living a healthier lifestyle.

10. Be outdoors more

Being outdoors is good for both your physical and mental health. Simply spending time amongst nature is enough to boost your mood, but if you’re outdoors, you’re also likely exercising, which we’ve already established is a great boon for your health. Research has also shown that patients who are recovering from injury or illness recover better when they spend time outdoors. If you’re able, it’s good simply to sit outdoors for a small amount of time each day.