How To Lower Your Electric Bill In The Summer

lightbulb on electricity bill stating wattage and monthly charges

We’re in the middle of summer and you’ve probably already noticed a pretty big increase in your electricity usage and we haven’t even made it to the hottest months of the year. It’s no secret that increasing temperatures make it more difficult to regulate the air inside your home, and it constantly feels like your air conditioner is always turning on. While it’s just a fact that your bill is going to be larger during the summer months, there are some ways that you can save a few bucks on your bill and reduce your energy usage.

Change Your AC Filter Regularly

The efficiency of your AC is important during the summer time. Think about how you hardly used your AC during the cooler months and how much dust and debris has collected inside it. That should be cleaned out, right? Make it a habit to clean out your ducts during your annual spring cleaning and replace your air filter regularly to ensure your AC is working optimally during these trying times.

Utilize Your Ceiling Fans

Your AC isn’t the only thing in your home that can help keep you cool during these warm months. Your ceiling fans and even floor fans can help regulate and keep the air in your room at a comfortable temperature by circulating the cool air from your AC unit. This means you don’t have to set your thermostat super low, which helps with energy efficiency. Pair your AC with your fans for maximum efficiency throughout your home.

Shop Around For The Best Deals

Some energy companies have great deals, such as plans that include free nights or weekends, which is very beneficial for those who stay home during those times. According to Ambit Energy, “Depending on an individual’s lifestyle, you can potentially save hundreds of dollars a year in electricity costs by switching to a free night electricity plan similar to our Free & Clear Nights that gives free electricity between 9 PM and 5:59 AM.”


Many people don’t realize it, but keeping devices plugged in, even when you’re not using them, uses up a lot of energy that you don’t really think about. This is known as “phantom” electricity. By unplugging appliances, chargers, and other electronics, you might notice a reduction in your energy usage, and therefore, bill.

Trees Around Your Home

Have you ever walked under a shaded tree on a hot day and noticed a significant difference in how you felt? Well, that same effect can be used for your home. Planting trees and bushes around your home and your outdoor AC unit can create much-needed shade and allow your cooling system to be much more efficient because it’s not having to work so hard against the sun and heat.

Don’t let the thought of having an expensive bill haunt your Summer fun. By utilizing these tips and tricks consistently, you should see a significant decrease in your electricity bill over the Summer.