Want to Help Israeli Children? Here’s How

The conflict between Israel and Palestine has undeniable effects on the children of both States. Children’s rights are being violated at an alarming rate, leaving them to live harsh and oftentimes fatal realities. Israel is responsible for upholding the CRC (The International Convention on the Rights of the Child) for Israeli children as well as for Palestinian children in the territories that they’ve occupied since 1967. The conditions for these children remain problematic and progress is slow in coming. The most vulnerable of these are the children of migrants and minorities within the society. As the conflict continues the security of these children is of utmost importance and needs a place of priority on the global scale.


Ways These Children Need Help

There are multiple areas and ways that the children caught in the middle of this tumultuous conflict need help. Some of these include:

Freedom from Poverty

There is a large portion of the Israeli society that is impoverished. This leads to malnutrition in minors which exposes them to sickness and disease. Many are from minority groups such as Israeli-Arabs and Bedouins.

The Right to Healthcare

The healthcare system in Israel is quite good and Israeli children are guaranteed access to healthcare. However, non-Jewish Israelis are not covered by this guarantee. Bedouin children have a high mortality rate within the society and Israeli-Arabs find it hard to communicate with medical staff.

The Right to Education

While the education system is free for children from ages 5 to 16, there is a difference in the quality of the Jewish-led system and the Arab system. More money is invested in the Jewish system creating a noticeable lack for Israeli-Arab children.

Protection from Mistreatment

Israeli civilians are often caught in the Israeli-Palestine conflict and become unintended victims. Children are killed by mistake or are brought into the attacks. They are innocent victims. Migrant children are detained for years and then sent back to their country or into harsh conditions in bordering lands. There is also the violence seen at home, where the concept of punishment is physical and sometimes severe.

The Right to an Identity

Children born to migrant parents or have Israeli and Palestinian parents have a difficult time obtaining legal identification documents. Israel does not recognize dual citizenship and forces parents to go through many administrative hoops to gain birth certificates for their children. This causes many issues with families trying to reunite after being forced apart due to the existing political climate. This goes against the CRC’s Act for providing children with the right to an identity.

How Do You Get Involved?

As this matter continues to heighten, it is clear that a peaceful resolution is far in the making. Children of Israeli, Palestinian, and other origins in the region are being made to suffer and have their innocence taken from them. They must receive help and protection from the global community. If not they will become among other things, a statistic of a long-standing conflict. As mentions by the folks at C4i Canada, there are several organizations dedicated to this matter. Their mission is to provide assistants to these children and civilians entrenched in this battle. Finding the right outreach community is important. Do your research and make sure that you align with the mission statement of your chosen volunteer effort.

Why It’s Important?

More now than ever, we must support and protect the children of the world. Many are lost to conflict, poverty, and malnutrition way before they can take care of themselves. As a global community, we must preserve human life and give kids a fighting chance. We must give them a chance to dream and change their societies. However, these dreams need a concentrated effort to become reality. No child should wonder whether they’ll live to see another day or worry about when their next meal will be. No child should have to hide in fear.


It is easy to assume only those directly involved feel the taint of this battle. However, couldn’t be farther from the truth. Israeli children suffer unimaginable hardships and have their young lives taken from them without restraint or remorse. Sadly, these circumstances are not of their making or choosing. Their voices have been taken away and with that the power to change their lives. We must return that to them along with the gift of a happy and safe life. Donating is one of the ways you can get involved. You can also help to raise awareness by educating yourself and others on this issue. The more we share and work together the greater the impact we can have.