For a long time, education and entertainment have been considered opposites. One has always been thought to be counterproductive of the other. If you look at the traditional notions behind both, the disconnect seems reasonable. Education is meant to be a serious affair that requires immense focus and commitment. On the other hand, entertainment is expected to be engaging and as the least demanding as possible.
Education has always had such a downside that the process of learning is typically rigorous and rigid. First and foremost, very few students enjoy and benefit from the current education systems. Most times, it feels like a full-time job that is hugely demanding. More so, the education path has traditionally been linear, which certainly does not suit the learning methods of all students.
Entertainment is undeniably fun, and as long as your means of entertainment matches your preference, you are assured of enjoying your experience. All factors considered, this has been the missing element in education. For a process as integral as education is to a student, the learning process should be something they enjoy taking part in.
The digital age has undoubtedly allowed creating educational platforms for involving and merging various sectors. It is no surprise that EdTech solutions are along the front lines in innovative technological products and services. Companies have recognized the potential that lies in bringing the entertainment factor into education. This article highlights some of the ways that this realization is being achieved.
Games and Toys for Young Learners
Specialists suggest that children are capable of learning anything to which they are exposed quickly and effortlessly. It, therefore, would be advisable to provide kids with different ways of learning to identify and hone their strengths.
To let kids express their creativity and enjoy doing everything by themselves, learning for children should be an inherently fun activity. After all, most of the learning at the preoperational stage merely captures the basics.
It follows then that current educational models are including games and toys in their curricula. Some of these include:
- Puzzles and jigsaws.
- Board games such as chess.
- Lego blocks for elementary levels.
These games aim to improve the learners’ ability to think abstractly and critically, formulate different approaches to solving problems, as well as refine their decision-making. More so, some of these games and toys impart practical knowledge to the kids. Take, for instance, scrabble, which is an ideal platform for children to improve on their vocabulary.
It then becomes evident that students are more engaged in the learning process when they are having a good time themselves. Let’s move to the intersection between education and entertainment in the life of a student.
Immersive Learning
The immersive learning approach is expected to change the traditional passive method of learning. This follows the concepts of personalized learning and individual experiences, as currently, many students seek the help of an essay writing service because of not enjoying the traditional educational processes.
Modern education has long been a one-way street, where the instructor stands in front of the room and disseminates the knowledge as students merely absorb it. Class engagement, consequently, becomes minimal at best and non-existent at worst.
Immersive learning aims to engage students in the learning process, both actively and enjoyably. It also looks to improve on the learning methods by providing alternative ways for students to acquire knowledge. Thus, the integration of simulations and models in the classroom adds to a theoretical understanding of concepts tremendously. For example, NASA’s Moon Toolkit can be used in astronomy classes to help visualize lunar concepts.
With a more than one-size-fits-all approach, immersive learning achieves the core objectives of education. It ensures that students can learn in different ways, depending on their inclinations and aptitude. Hence the learning process becomes more engaging, inclusive, and personalized. It follows then that learners will naturally have a deeper understanding of what is presented in class.
Online Forums
The current generation has been born and brought up in the age of the internet. You can expect to find most of them online at any given point. The internet can be quite resourceful for students, besides only offering entertainment value.
Many forums on the internet have been created for educational purposes. Students can then meet on the platforms to discuss varied subjects and global issues. They, then, are more likely to find like-minded people with whom they can communicate. They are also just as likely to find people with contradictory opinions to theirs. This encourages them to think beyond their own perspectives and serves to deepen their grasp in the relevant areas. Not to mention, they end up having a great time while still learning.
To sum up, we are yet to realize the full potential of intersection and union of education and entertainment. In this digital era, we have countless possibilities to engage kids, schoolers, and students in learning activities, but there are many more steps to take towards this idea.