How to Deal With Common Household Problems

Living in your own house has its perks, but you’re likely going to run into some common issues from time to time. Solutions to these problems don’t always come easy to all of us, but thankfully there are some relatively simple ways to fix common household problems.

Reduced hot water pressure

If you have a problem with water pressure in a select part of the house, it is likely a local issue. If you only have low hot water pressure in the shower, for instance, you may need to remove the showerhead and see if there are any obstructions that need to be removed. For sinks and bathtub faucets you may want to call a plumber if you don’t feel comfortable dismantling these yourself.

If you’re thinking you might be having a water heater problem, there are ways to tell if you’re due for a new installation. You can read more here about knowing when to get your water heater and tank inspected. If your hot water pressure extends to the entirety of your house, a contractor will likely need to be called in order to address the problem starting from your water tank. There are a few reasons you might be experiencing the low hot water pressure related to the tank, and they’ll start from here to find the problem. If you’re using ½ inch pipe, or older galvanized pipes, this is probably the cause of your low hot water pressure. Another issue that’s prevalent in older homes is the buildup of sediment which obstructs water profusion.

Toilet won’t flush

When your toilet won’t flush it can be frustrating. More often than not this tends to be an easy fix, and all you need to do is adjust the chain under the back of the toilet. You may need to replace the chain that holds up the flapper, or it may have just fallen off. Generally, it’s an easier fix if the chain has just fallen off because you just need to reattach it. Most hardware stores will have spare chains available. If you need to replace your chain, turn off the water supply to your toilet, and flush the tank so it’s completely empty. You can remove the old chain from the handle using pliers, but you’ll probably want to unhook the flapper as well to detach it from here. You can use the pliers to unbend the chain and attach it to the flapper, you’ll do the same thing for the handle. After putting everything back in place, and turning on the water supply, you’ll be able to flush your toilet.

There can be other reasons for why your toilet won’t flush that may require you wanting to call a plumber. If it’s just a worn out flapper you can change it as easily as changing out a new chain. If you’ve changed both the water flapper and chain, you might want to get a contractor to help you out. Sometimes high mineral content in water can lead to a reduction in toilet flow over time.

Blowing a fuse

Blowing a fuse is another super common household problem, but it’s an easy fix. If this has happened out of the blue and it’s not a recurring issue you can replace the same fuse that was used in your electrical panel. If you’ve used multiple devices in the same area at once it could be that you were demanding too much electricity at the time. If this is a recurring problem you may want to call an electrician to see if the fuse is appropriate for use. Most electrical panels will include information about which area of the house they cover. If yours doesn’t you may need to remove and reinsert fuses until you can narrow down the area of the house they cover.

When working inside your electrical panel it’s always recommended to wear solid rubber gloves that won’t conduct electricity. Prior to working inside the electrical panel, turn off the main power. Remove the fuse and replace it with one of the same ratings. Never use a larger fuse to replace another. When a fuse blows it’s preventing any excess power from surging to that area of your home and having too much can become dangerous. After replacing the fuse, turn on the main power.

Anytime you don’t feel confident in your ability to complete a task and you’re concerned for your safety, contact a contractor. The added expense can be a pain, but it can save you a lot of trouble down the road. It’s best to get reviews from others about the contractor you’re looking to hire. However, with the information given above, hopefully, you’ll be able to solve some of these common household problems for yourself.