Houston Property Rights Association

Energy, the Economy, and the Environment.

The HPRA lunch speaker this Friday is local businessman Tom Pierson, the founder and chief technology officer for TAS Energy, Inc.

TAS Energy designs and manufactures utility plants and modular infrastructure for power plants, data centers, and large scale chilling systems. The talk will cover societal trends and what steps must be taken to be ready for rapid change.

Houston Property Rights Association

PUBLIC INVITED: $11.49 plus 10% gratuity – buffet self-serve – all you can eat.

Coffee and tea are extra.

The Lam Bo Restaurant (Chinese and American food), is at

6159 Westheimer Road, about a mile west of Chimney Rock on the south side.

(look for us in the back room)

June 9, 2017

Buffet lunch – 12:00 to 2:00 – Program starts at 12:30

Please tell your friends and neighbors about our meetings.




Upcoming Speakers and Topics


June 16: TBD


June 22: Rhonda Sauter – on Houston’s Super Neighborhoods


June 30: TBD


July 7: Attorney John O’Neill – on flawed elements in proposed bail bond reforms



HPRA wants to thank Computer Services of Texas

for its donated work keeping the HPRA Macintosh computer running smoothly.
