Willow Waterhole Greenspace

Fall 2022 Interfaith Environmental Stewardship Event

Sunday, October 16, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. Willow Waterhole Greenspace 5300 Dryad Dr., Houston, TX 77035 Calling people of all faiths or no faith at all in Houston to care for our shared environment!  We will engage in hands-on environmental stewardship at the Willow Waterhole Conservation Reserve, getting the park spruced up for MusicFest on Oct. 29. This event will offer activities for all ages and skill levels. Meet at the Swartz Gazebo in the park to sign in. […]

Fall 2021 Interfaith Environmental Stewardship Event

Sunday, October 17, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. Willow Waterhole Greenspace 5300 Dryad Dr., Houston, TX 77035  Calling people of all faiths or no faith at all in Houston to care for our shared environment!  We will engage in hands-on environmental stewardship at the Willow Waterhole Conservation Reserve, getting the park ready for MusicFest on Oct. 30. This event will offer activities for all ages and skill levels and appropriate precautions to prevent spread of the Coronavirus will be taken. […]