Community Outdoor Outreach Program (CO-OP) Provides Opportunities for Texans to Connect with Nature The deadline to apply for a CO-OP grant with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is quickly approaching on November 1. Community groups often face barriers connecting Texans to the outdoors — transportation, meals, training, outdoor gear and supplies, to name a few. CO-OP grants can help organizations break through those barriers by providing grant funding to tax-exempt organizations for programs that […]
Community Outdoor Outreach Program
Deadline to Submit TPWD Community Outdoor Outreach Program Grant is Nov. 6
Community Outdoor Outreach Program (CO-OP) Provides Opportunities for Texans to Connect with Nature The deadline to submit a CO-OP grant application for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Community Outdoor Outreach Program is quickly approaching. The CO-OP grant program provides funding to engage under-represented populations in TPWD mission-oriented programs. All applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Nov. 6. Applications are available online and grant awards will be announced on March 1, 2021. CO-OP […]