RISD Communications
MAY 09, 2023
Royal ISD is incredibly proud of all our Falcon learners. We are excited to celebrate your success at the following events: Our students tackle Fine Arts, Dance, Band, CTE, athletics, college course work, and more. Royal’s mission is to “invest in our tomorrow.”
Please make plans to join us in celebrating our Falcons!
Tuesday, May 9
Track Pep Rally – Celebrate our State Qualifiers @ 5:30pm in front of RHS
Athletic Banquet – 6-8pm, RHS Cafeteria
Thursday, May 11
ECHS Blinn College Graduation – The graduation ceremony for Blinn College–Brenham Campus will take place on May 11th, 2023 at Brenham High School. Guests can arrive between 5:00–5:30 PM and the procession will begin at 5:50 PM. The address of Brenham High School is 525 A H Ehrig Dr, Brenham, TX 77833. We hope to see you there as we celebrate the achievements of these outstanding students!
Monday, May 15
FFA Banquet – Meal @ 5:30pm, Banquet @ 6:45pm, RHS
Tuesday, May 16
MJROTC Awards – 9am, PAC
UIL Academics Awards Banquet – 5pm, RHS Cafeteria
RHS Awards Night – 7-9pm,
Wednesday, May 17th
8th Grade Practice for Promotion/Athletics Ceremony – 3rd Period/Advisory, (9:42 am – 11:01 am)
Class of 2023 Cosmetology/Business Management Awards – 5pm, RHS
Thursday, May 18
RJH Awards
- 6th-grade RJH Award Ceremony starts at 9:00 AM.
- 7th-grade RJH Award/Athletic Ceremony starts at 10:15 AM.
- *8th-grade RJH Athletic/Promotion Ceremony 5:00 pm – 6:00pm
- RJH/STEM 8th Grade Dance – 6-9pm, RJH Foyer
RHS Scholarship Night – 7-9pm, PAC
Friday, May 19
Royal ECC Award Ceremonies
- Kindergarten, 8:30am
- First Grade, 10am
- Pre-K, 11:30am
RJH Stars Performance of “A Little Princess” followed by 22-23 Theatre Awards and dessert reception, 6:30pm, RHS PAC
Tuesday, May 23
Royal Elementary 5th Grade Promotion, 9-10:30am for students of Wazed, Wooten, and Carter.
Royal STEM Academy (2-5) Awards
- 8am, 2nd Grade
- 8:45am, 4th Grade
- 9:30am, 3rd Grade
- 10:15am, 5th Grade
Wednesday, May 24
Royal Elementary 5th Grade Promotion, 9-10:30am for students of Andrews, Lopez and Wright.
Royal STEM Academy (6-8) Awards
- 9am, 6th and 7th Grade (by invitation only)
- 10am, 8th Grade
Thursday, May 25
Last Day of School!!!
- PK-5, 12:30pm dismissal
- 6-12, 1:00pm dismissal
Royal High School Class of 2023 Graduation – May 25, 7pm, Katy ISD Merrell Center (6301 S Stadium Ln, Katy, TX 77494)