Top Seven Reasons Writers Quote Other Writers

Learn, Inspire And Appreciate By Quoting Other Writers

Why do writers quote other writers? They do so for several reasons, including credibility, idea reinforcement, exhibiting knowledge, better points, etc.


Every reader wishes to be satisfied with their online or offline content. This fulfillment only comes through rich information in a write-up. But not every author has sound knowledge about the content they create at times. This gap brings the need for a quotation.

So, quotation mark is essential in writing, and why do authors mention others? Most times, they cite others for credibility’s sake and idea reinforcement. Other times, it’s a way of exhibiting adequate knowledge of the topic, making better points, etc.

Quoting others is a way of impressing readers or visitors with in-depth research on the subject. On the handle, a writer can gain commendation and increase traffic for providing adequate information and support. So, as a writer, it’s also essential to learn the concept of quoting. Moreover, this article provides information about why writers quote other writers. Keep reading.

Why Writers Quote Other Writers?

A quotation is an important aspect of writing. Below are reasons authors mention others.

  • Credibility Sake

When you quote another writer, you bring more credibility to your paper. Your readers can tell that there are others with a similar mindset as yours. By that, they can trust and use the information you’ve shared.

  • Idea Reinforcement

Another reason writers would quote others is to reinforce ideas. Like credibility, your readers can tell that your thoughts have a backup. These are the writers who support your beliefs, claims, and thoughts. Idea reinforcement is another way to build the reader’s confidence in the information you’re passing across.

  • Exhibiting Knowledge

No one is an embodiment of all wisdom. This fact also applies to writers. Authors quote sources to support their knowledge of a subject. Additional learning from other writers shows adequate research. It also tells your readers that you’re well-read and know well about the information you share.

  • Making Better Points

Often, writers find it difficult to express some of their thoughts. In such situations, quoting another author can help simplify their point. This could come in the form of a more comprehensive phrasing or just a concise statement.

  • To Excite the Readers.

Sometimes, reading could get pretty boring. So, it’s better to include some quotations that can excite your audience. You need to be intentional about this point. When picking out some facts to quote, also search for humorous content to add.

  • Strengthen Your Viewpoint

When a writer quotes other authors, they indirectly strengthen their point of view. You can do this by mentioning the source of information, especially if it’s from an authority site. Some examples are websites with a domain name that ends with .gov and .edu.

  • Spice Up Your Points

Writers spice up the information on their pages when they quote other authors. This method helps them to avoid monotony in content. Some instances of information that can help spice up your points as a writer include statistics and facts that support your ideas.

You can also include related metaphors, stories, and other necessary details. You can follow this link and check how they quote other writers to see the work of experts. This will help you cite the sources better and create an excellent paper.

The Practice of Quoting

Some general quoting rules are necessary when citing another writer. You’ll need to incorporate these practices with proper mentioning techniques for a clearer representation.

For instance, many writers use the wrong punctuation techniques when quoting authors. Apart from that, others sometimes get capitalization wrong. So, where do you place punctuation when quoting another writer? Here are some tips to help you cite properly when creating your next write-up.

  • Punctuation Tips

The first thing to know about quotations and punctuation is that every comma and period comes inside the citation marks. Other punctuations like hyphens, colons, and semicolons stay outside the marks.

The position of punctuation, like question and exclamation points, is not fixed. In most cases, they go inside the reference marks. However, it’s not out of place to put them outside the points, depending on the situation of the excerpt.

For instance, if the exclamation and question marks apply to the quote, it’s proper to place them inside the citation marks. Conversely, placing them outside the points is appropriate if they apply to your statement alone.

  • Capitalization

Capitalization rule changes concerning the context of the passage. For instance, a phrase or an incomplete quoted sentence should not start with a capital letter like this:

The president stated it was “a good move from the police department.”

On the other hand, a complete quoted sentence must begin with a capital letter like this:

The president said,

“Here’s an example of a worthy police officer.”

When splitting a quote, there’s no need to capitalize the other half of the sentence. This is how it should look like: When the president addressed the country, he started with, “we have the power to change our lives,” continuing he said, “but we have to work together to achieve it.”

  • Closing the Quotation Marks

It’s essential to close a quotation mark you started. It might look insignificant, but punctuations can reflect different information when you misplace them in writing. The same applies to reference marks. Readers may not identify the end of a quoted statement if the closing citation point is missing.


It’s not inappropriate to mention other authors, as this is a significant aspect of writing. So, why do they quote others? What is the essence of the technique?

The main reasons many writers quote other writers are for credibility’s sake, idea reinforcement, exhibiting knowledge, better points, and so on. Moreover, it assures the readers of the validity and reliability of the information you’ve shared. If you wish to strengthen your writing skills, this is a technique you can develop before your next paper.