Tips And Tricks For Preparing Multiple Exams At The Same Time

Before revealing the tips to be able to take more exams together, or before explaining how to organize yourself in the best way to face the exam session, a brief introduction is a must.

As far as feasible, studying many subjects together, or preparing for several tests at the same time, is certainly not easy. One of the fundamental prerequisites for a successful business is to set realistic expectations. It is important to organize yourself on the basis of realistic criteria, taking into account your abilities, your limitations, and, of course, the time available.

Plan The Exams: Number And Type

The first step in being able to achieve any life goal, be it school, work, or any other nature, is planning. The starting point is to define how many and which exams to prepare for at the same time.

Obviously, the number depends largely on the difficulty of the tests and on one’s attitude towards the subjects to be studied. In general, it is advisable to avoid studying for more than three exams at a time. And remember, that you would need to put aside other tasks like writing essays for later or hire an essay writer online for these purposes.

It goes without saying that the selection is rather subjective, even if some exams are objectively more demanding than others. After having identified the tests that will be subject to simultaneous study, and after having fixed the dates, a roadmap must be drawn up, which in addition to dictating the rhythms of the study allows you to always have a clear idea of ​​the progress of the work, so the work already done and that still to be done.

Optimal time management is one of the fundamental prerequisites for succeeding in the undertaking of preparing for three or more exams at the same time.

Prepare The Study Material

After having planned the work both from a temporal and a content point of view, we move on to the preparation of the study material.

To avoid unnecessary waste of time, it is preferable to prepare books, handouts, notes, and everything else you need to study in advance.

Identify The Most Asked Topics

If you have decided to prepare for several exams in the same session, you certainly cannot expect impeccable preparation; also, because no matter how diligent and super organized you may be, you still have to deal with the time available.

With this, we absolutely do not want to tell you to be approximate, but simply to study wisely. The fundamental step in managing a targeted study is to find out about the most popular topics of each exam.

Taking the lessons is the best way to identify the professor’s ‘favorite’ topics, that is, those on which he tends to focus, and consequently to ask more frequently during the examination phase.

In this regard, the notes taken during the lessons become an essential tool. For those who have chosen online degree courses, the phase is greatly facilitated by the possibility of accessing the streaming of the lessons, or the pre-recorded videos available in the reserved area.

The possibility of re-listening to the lessons allows you to have a clear overview of the topics to be explored with greater care and attention.

Beyond those that are the most popular topics in the exam phase, when you have little time to prepare for one or more exams, you generally resort to some practical expedient that speeds up and facilitates the study.

Set Up A Study Method

Let’s move on to the crucial point on which much of university success is based: the famous ‘study method’ that we have heard so much about from an early age.

We know that studying to prepare for 3 exams in one session requires organization and commitment, but it also requires an effective and productive methodology. It is essential to identify a method that on the one hand aligns itself with personal aptitudes for study and on the other hand allows you to overcome limitations and difficulties.

Using some practical tools is certainly useful for optimally managing the various aspects of learning. The Pomodoro technique, for example, allows you to manage time effectively, alternating short intense (and distraction-free) study sessions with short rest breaks. Speed ​​reading can be another valuable ally for those who are preparing to face the preparation of three or more exams at the same time.

As for the memorization and understanding of topics, there are countless tools available. From simple summaries to concept maps, up to the PAV technique and the Loci technique, the possibilities are truly endless.