Metal Buildings: Why It’s Popular in Texas Commercial Building Construction

There are countless building materials available for commercial construction projects in 2022. However, few can meet the myriad demands of Texas developers as the state’s population continues to grow at an astounding rate.

Enter metal buildings.

Pre Engineered steel structures are becoming a popular commercial building solution across Texas thanks to their affordability, fast construction times, low maintenance features, outstanding sustainability, and aesthetic versatility.

Keep reading as we expand on these points and clarify why metal buildings are set to prevail in Texas commercial building construction in 2022 and beyond.

Metal Buildings Are Typically More Affordable Than Other Construction Types

The cost of construction materials was up a staggering 23% in 2021 from pre-pandemic levels in 2019. When this cost is spread out over tens-of-thousands of square feet of commercial space, the total cost can become crippling for developers.

Fortunately, metal buildings offer a viable solution. Statistics show that using steel can result in roughly 30% lower costs than other types of construction. There are numerous reasons behind these cost savings, including:

  • A preengineered steel building is fabricated offsite and transported to the construction in easy-to-assemble kits. This results in zero construction waste–you only pay for the steel that you use.
  • Preengineered metal buildings (PEMB) require less workers and specialized contractors to erect.
  • Metal buildings can be built on smaller, less complex foundations than other construction types.
  • Due to the speed and efficiency of using a PEMB, business operations face few interruptions. This allows revenue to be generated while competitors are stuck in construction.

Metal Buildings Go Up Faster Than Other Types of Structures

As previously mentioned, PEMBs go up fast, which leads to cost savings through fewer construction man-hours and less interruption of business operations.

However, the speed of construction is important to Texas businesses for an entirely different reason: many areas of Texas are growing exponentially.

Portions of Texas are forecasted to be among the national leaders in population growth through the year 2029.

Because of this, commercial developers don’t have a lot of time to procrastinate: they need space now!

To help in this regard, there is no better solution for providing vast amounts of square footage in a short amount of time than a PEMB.

Metal Buildings Are Exceptionally Low Maintenance

Another calling card of metal buildings is that they are incredibly low maintenance. Outside of annual washings with a pressure washer to remove any dirt or debris buildup, PEMBs are truly a set-it-and-forget-it construction type.

They are almost completely resistant to fire, mold, mildew, fungus, and insect damage. They do not crack, warp, or fade when exposed to prolonged Texas heat. They do not require paintings or treatments to retain their aesthetic appearance.

Not only do these low maintenance qualities allow business owners to commit more time to core operations, but they can lower the lifetime cost of ownership vs. materials that require frequent upkeep and renovation.

Metal Buildings Score High for Sustainability

Sustainability is at the heart of all construction efforts in 2022 as architects and engineers get creative to find ways to reduce the carbon footprint of their projects.

In terms of sustainability, there is arguably no greater construction material than steel. The typical metal building life expectancy exceeds 100 years. This means that few, if any, resources will ever be consumed in keeping the building up to code.

Due to this elite durability, metal buildings also make a great option for building rehabilitation projects. In the event that one business moves out after several decades, a metal building can easily be repurposed for a future life without the need to demolish and start from scratch.

Finally, in the rare event that a metal building ever were required to be deconstructed, steel is one of the most recyclable building materials on the planet and can easily be melted down and reforged for a future project.

Metal Buildings Provide Surprisingly Diverse Aesthetics

Metal buildings have typically been pigeonholed as a solution only for warehouses or other types of industrial facilities that have little concern for aesthetics.

However, the latest innovations in PEMB fabrication make them compatible with a wide array of facades. Exteriors can be finished with stone veneer, stucco, brick, glass, concrete, or any other type of cladding necessary to achieve the desired curb appeal.

As a result, steel buildings are increasingly becoming a solution for churches, automotive showrooms, educational facilities, and many other types of commercial spaces meant to interact with thousands of people on a daily basis.

Metal Buildings: An Ideal Choice for Texas Commercial Construction

As one of the fastest growing states in the country, Texas has acute commercial construction needs not felt by many other states. As a product that is affordable, easy to erect, has low maintenance features, scores high for sustainability, and offers aesthetic versatility, prefabricated steel buildings are in a unique position to satisfy Texas’ seemingly insatiable need for commercial space. If you are a developer looking for commercial facility solutions, contact Allied Buildings for a quote today!