How to improve International SEO

To an international business, SEO is not just about getting more hits on your website. It is about ranking higher against your competition by having a better web presence across national borders. To some businesses, it means standing out from local players in search results of foreign markets. Whatever way you see it, optimizing for an international market requires some different considerations from optimizing locally. This article will give different ways on how you can improve International SEO.

1) Address country-specific issues with site content

One of the most common challenges plaguing many international businesses is duplicating their sites’ contents for each target country. Duplicating site content is a lot of work, but it can also be costly. So if you can provide the same information across all your sites through a central management system that will automatically create and manage your site contents for each country, then do it.

2) Make use of relevant international web directories

If there are no local business directories available in the target countries, your best bet would be to submit your business to international web directories, which allows you to list not just one entry per URL but multiple URLs. Also, don’t forget about Wiki-based websites such as Wikipedia and Wikitravel, which can help boost traffic from search engines by letting people link back to you by using their website’s link format. One of the sites that can help you improve your International SEO is

3) Utilize Google Translate (if applicable)

Although this tool is not perfect, its usage can help make your site easier to understand by foreign visitors. Additionally, it also helps with indexing your web pages in international search engines because it allows them to see links and keywords that are visible only to them. Just be sure that you will need other factors for search engine bots to take your site seriously.

4) Mind multiple currencies and local units of measurements

People expect prices presented in their local currency when shopping online. This means that if you just put dollar values on your product information page instead of indicating money equivalents in Euros, Yen, Peso, Ringgit, Yuan, or any of the world’s other currencies, your site will most likely be ignored by local search engines. Also, make sure to indicate measurements in their respective metric system (i.e., kilometers instead of miles).

5) Preferably translate the site content into foreign languages

There are multiple ways on how you can do this. You can get a professional translation firm specializing in your business type to translate your website contents for each country you are targeting. Another method is to just hire someone fluent in English and in another language spoken widely in a particular country to do the job.


International SEO is no easy task, and it takes a lot of time and effort. However, if you want to maximize your exposure on the internet and grow your business globally, then international SEO will be crucial for you. Make sure that your website is translated into different languages so people can find what they need in their language, and make sure that all of your social media channels are localized. This way, you won’t miss out on any potential customers who don’t speak English.