Plump Lips are Still in Fashion and More People are Getting Lip Fillers

Cosmetic procedures are reaching all-time highs. Some people think this is a result of the zoom culture we live in due to the pandemic. Others believe it’s because it’s becoming more and more socially acceptable to undergo plastic surgery or have injections for cosmetic reasons.

The rise of reality TV and the increased pressure on people to always look younger and like the best possible version of themselves could easily impact the increase in procedures around the world. However, regardless of the motivation for this increase, it’s clear that more people are undergoing cosmetic procedures than ever before.

From 2017-2018 there was an increase of a quarter of a million procedures. The pandemic hasn’t even begun to slow people down when it comes to altering their physical appearance. Even things that right now you might not think matter so much, like lip fillers. They do, however, maybe it’s all the time spent in front of a camera for work, but people are turning to their favorite cosmetic clinic to improve their overall appearance.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s been shown that when we are happy with the way we look, we are significantly more self-confident, and our overall mental health improves. So maybe this is part of the self-care revolution gone a step further. Not only are we taking time to do the things necessary to treat ourselves right, but we’re also turning to alternatives like lip fillers to improve the things we cannot change ourselves.

So how do lip fillers work?

First, keep in mind that though these procedures are minimally invasive, they still are medical procedures and should always be overseen by qualified professionals. No backroom bargains are worth the risks!

Lip fillers are a type of lip augmentation. Which, in fundamental terms, means increasing the size of your lips. There are a variety of injectable lip fillers out there. Some of them have been around longer than others, and each has its pros and cons. However, the consistent thing with fillers is that they are probably the most flexible option for lip augmentation out there.

The fundamental difference between the different brands of filler is viscosity. Some are thicker than others, but they all are essentially made up of the same primary ingredients, primarily hyaluronic acid. Because of the difference in thickness, it changes how they look on the lips.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are the primary choice for a few reasons. For one, they hold an epic amount of water. Two, this type of filler can dissolve over time where others cannot.

The doctor is the best person to talk to about which type of hyaluronic acid filler will be best for your particular anatomy.

Lip fillers are considered a minimally invasive procedure. Lip fillers can range in price depending on the type of filler you choose and the amount of filler you want. For the soft and natural appearance, most doctors will recommend single injections, but if you’re going for the over-the-top look you see on social media all the time, figure you’re going to have to go with two or three syringes in the long run.

So how long do lip fillers last?

It honestly depends a lot on your body. Someone with a fast metabolism will burn the filler out quicker than someone who metabolizes slowly.  The range can be anywhere from six months to three years.

There are temporary and permanent fillers, but most experts will recommend temporary ones. Even though you may have to go back for more injections in six months, the permanent options are irreversible and come with more complications and risks.

If you’re really going for the dramatic change, you’re going to want to do it at a slower pace. Typically one syringe evenly injected across the lips is the best way to start the process. It will keep you looking more natural. Then gradually, as you go along, you can increase the amount of filler if you are attempting to go for the overly pouty, more extreme change.

So what should you expect when you are getting ready to go in for your first injections. First, you’re likely to have a consultation. This gives you time to discuss with the doctor what it is you are trying to achieve. Then, they can help you better understand the process and what will get you to your perfect pout.

The injections themselves are relatively quick and not awful when it comes to the pain aspect. Most of the time, the doctor will use a topical numbing agent to make the stick of the needle less painful, and for most, it works like a charm, making them not even notice the needle going in.

Once the needle is in place slowly, the filler is pushed in, and the needle is moved to place the filler in the perfect spot. The numbing gel is only topical, so this part of the process isn’t precisely comfortable, but it also doesn’t take very long and typically isn’t worse than the average flu shot.

After the process is over, it’s going to take a little time to heal. You’re likely to notice some swelling, as should be expected with any procedure where a needle is moved around under the skin. Thankfully, that usually only lasts about twenty-four hours, but at most is a little extra poofy for three days. After the swelling subsides, you’re likely to notice that you can feel the filler. Most doctors will recommend gently massaging your lips to help the filler disperse evenly. After about three weeks, you should generally no longer notice the filler and be fully healed from the process.

Lip fillers are a great way to take a walk on the wild side and see what cosmetic procedures are like for those who haven’t experienced them. Because the pouty lips are still trendy, you can’t go wrong with the look, and because it’s a temporary change, if you aren’t happy with it, all you have to do is wait it out.