7 Arboricultural Tips on How to Prolong the Life of Your Plants

Whether you plant trees, plants, or flowers in your backyard or keep a few pots of houseplants in your home or office, there’s no doubt that plants are the best choice. Not only to brighten up your living or working space, but also to provide you with an excellent source of oxygen and humidity, which will maintain a cooler temperature and allow you to breathe easier. With a few simple steps, you can learn how to grow plants inside or outside your house or office. Here are some tips on how to take care of your plants and extend their lifespan.

  1. Invest in Your Soil

You should first learn what type of soil you need to grow your plants; most plants thrive in neutral conditions, but this varies according to each type. The soil’s structure can be improved by adding fertilizers or organic matter that comes from decaying plants and animals. As organic matter decomposes, it turns into a field of nutrients that will be absorbed by the microorganisms in the soil. Just simply spreading the organic mulch on the soil surface is enough for the bugs and worms to transfer the nutrients into the roots with a little help from rainwater.

  1. Trim Your Trees and Plants

Once you notice the leaves turning yellow, it’s probably time to cut them off. This process called pruning is one of the healthiest things you can do for your plants. Using a Tree Service will help with trickier, larger trees in terms of providing better airflow to the plant and promoting better branch distribution. Getting rid of the dead parts of the plant also allows the living parts to bloom and last longer.

  1. Take Good Care of Your Roots

Before planting your tree in the garden, make sure to supply enough water to your roots by soaking the root ball first. This will ensure enough humidity for the roots to avoid water repulsion in the soil. If you’re planning on growing a smaller plant, you have to make sure the roots are intact as you take the plant out of the pot. Plant it in a way that the soil surrounding it is firm with a little space on top to freely hold rainwater, which will be directed towards the roots.

  1. Give Your Plant Enough Room in the Ground

A good rule of thumb is to dig a space that’s twice as big as the plant’s root ball. A deeper hole ensures that your tree will create a good supportive root system. While roots are invisible, the way they branch underground is the ultimate standard for how the tree will branch over the ground. The extra space you need to make in the soil must completely enclose the existing roots.

  1. Improve Drainage and Aeration

There are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to improving your drainage system like digging up trenches and using drainage tiles. To improve airflow in your soil, use an aerating machine to make holes in the ground, which can be done every fall season. You can also create a fence or pathway around your plants to prevent continuous stepping on the soil leading to its compaction and poor drainage.

  1. Don’t Flood Your Soil

It may seem like a good idea to water your trees all the time, but overwatering your soil can cause it to wilt and die. Take a look at the appearance of your plant; if it looks healthy and vibrant, then it’s probably best to leave it alone. Another pointer is to check a couple of inches of the soil for moisture. Before watering, check for dry soil and wrinkling leaves, which is a good indicator that your plant needs a drink.

  1. Remember the Sunlight

If you take care of the soil and water supply, you definitely must watch out for good sun exposure. Set your trees in a well-lit place in your garden, where your plants will soak the maximum amount of sun rays during the day. If you’re keeping a houseplant by the window, make sure to rotate it weekly to give a chance for all the parts to benefit from the sunlight.

With a few basic techniques for growing your plants, you will be able to create your oasis at home and maintain it as long as possible. The whole process of taking care of your greeneries is a rewarding experience. Not only do you get a beautiful view and better breathable air, but also you get the thrill of watching your plants blossom day by day.