CBD Myths vs. Realities 

Lately, there has been a growing interest in CBD around the world, this is mainly because it has been confirmed through different studies and trials that this compound has many therapeutic benefits for the human body. Nowadays we can find cannabidiol in different products such as best organic CBD oil creams, soaps, capsules, and even in edible form.

However, it is true that the consumption of cannabidiol and the proliferation of its various uses, can generate some debate and confusion, so through this article, we will be discussing certain myths and some realities related to CBD.

What is Cannabidiol

First of all, it is important to know what is Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is one of the multiple cannabinoids found in the Cannabis Sativa plant, some of which are psychoactive in their effects and others are not.

CBD is mostly extracted from hemp, which is a plant-derived from cannabis. This plant has been cultivated for many years, which has allowed many studies to be carried out over the years to further study the effects it can have on the human body. As mentioned above, one of the compounds in hemp is CBD, which is said to have many therapeutic benefits.

However, below you will learn much more about what is true and what is not so true about this compound that has become very famous in society during the last few years.

Myths about CBD

“CBD is completely healthy due to its therapeutic effects”.

While CBD has been shown to have many positive therapeutic effects on the human body, this compound is still under investigation, due to its recent use for medical purposes. Therefore, it implies that the full efficacy of CBD against various diseases and disorders is not known.

Although there is a lot of information on the internet and networks about the health benefits of CBD, this does not imply that it is beneficial for all people, so medical consultation is always recommended before starting to consume the compound.

“Consuming pure CBD is better”.

Many times, we can hear this famous phrase that if you consume pure CBD, it is much better since you will have more active principles than from the plant. It may make some sense to hear it, but in reality, it is not so.

This is because pure CBD, which is the isolated cannabidiol molecule derived from industrial hemp or synthesized in laboratories, is much less effective therapeutically speaking than the CBD-rich extract obtained from the whole plant since it presents synergistic action of hundreds of compounds, which generate a greater effect.

“CBD has psychoactive effects related to relaxation.”

This is one of the biggest and most common myths that we will find when talking about CBD since people knowing that this is a compound that comes from cannabis think that it will have the same psychoactive effects that can cause consuming the plant as such.

So far, all the studies that have been carried out based on CBD have shown that it does not have psychoactive effects, this implies that it does not have the same effects as the consumption of marijuana.

CBD, which is extracted from hemp, may contain some THC, which is the psychoactive component of cannabis, however, this does not mean that cannabidiol causes the euphoric effects that THC causes as such. This possibility that it includes some THC is also often used as an advertising claim for its sale. However, it is not true that CBD has psychoactive effects related to relaxation.

Realities of CBD

On the other hand, just as we want to disprove certain things they say about CBD, it is also important to mention some realities of this famous compound, among which we find:

CBD does have certain real medicinal benefits, this is that the endocannabinoid system, where CBD acts, helps regulate many bodily processes, including pain to memory formation.

This compound acts through different pathways in the human body, as more than 60 different mechanisms of action have been identified through which CBD acts on the body.

CBD can cause certain side effects, however, many of these effects depend on the person’s body. This point continues to be the subject of much research.


We already know that certain things are said about CBD that are very real but others that are not so much, it is always important to be well informed about this compound, to have the healthiest possible consumption.