How to Properly Start a Sustainable Lifestyle

The concern about the rapid depletion of the earth’s resources is a crucial topic discussed at international leadership summits and conferences by world leaders and professionals. The need to create a sustainable lifestyle that helps protect and preserve the earth for generations to come is the duty of everyone.

It is essential to say that everything we do has a positive or negative impact on the earth’s sustenance. And if we are to have a healthy and habitable environment years from now, we all have a role to play. It doesn’t stop us from living our lives as we should or the way we want, it only helps limit the changes that could occur due to environmental impact by humans and animals.

So many animals are extinct or gradually going extinct because of the uncontrolled and unregulated slaughter of animals and the felling of forest trees. With the habitats of these animals gone, survival becomes difficult and they become prey for humans and other animals. There are ways you can play your part in preserving the earth, and this is by choosing to live a sustainable lifestyle. The points below should tell you how to get started.


  1. Reduce Carbon Emissions

The atmosphere supports the entire ecosystem. Living things like humans and animals require air to survive and reproduce. The constant degradation of this vital component for existence has led to many health conditions for plants and animals. Reduction in carbon emission is a way of emphasizing the need to save energy. There are ways we can save energy, these include

  • Turning off standby appliances.
  • Using our cars less, thereby reducing the carbon emissions on a daily basis.
  • Drying clothes with direct sunlight etc.
  • Discouraging the use of generators, industrial equipment and creating alternatives.

Many industries operate with massive machines that give off carbon emissions in large quantities. It affects the ozone layers protecting us from the heated rays of sunlight. Excess sunlight can lead to skin burns, dehydration, and other health issues.

  1. Use Eco-friendly products/alternatives

Eco-friendly products create less waste, can be reused or recycled. The recycling of these products reduces waste and helps the earth replenish its lost resource employed in production. They include products made of wood, rubber, cotton, or natural fiber.

The beauty is that these are biodegradable and compostable. I never knew many of such products until I stumbled on and saw numerous eco-friendly alternatives. The use of synthetic or artificial fiber that isn’t biodegradable negatively impacts the environment.

  1. Use of Renewable energy

Inventions in recent times have focused on building machines and engines that use fewer fuels or petrol and more renewable energy sources. The advent of electric cars, engines that run on water, and solar power generators are some of these inventions. By using electric cars and solar energy, we have fewer carbon fumes from cars and power plants. Others include the generating of power from biodegradable waste and wind vanes.

  1. Grow your food and eat less meat

When you grow your produce at home, you help purify the air by inducing a balanced exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. It also reduces the demand for commercially produced produce. The reduction limits the use of merchandised engines and chemicals in production. The goal is to reduce the fossil fuels used in the production and transportation of farm produce to meet demand.

A reduction in meat consumption reduces the death of animals and their extinction. Animals release waste that helps plants grow, and some animals feed on plants; this is all part of the ecological circle required for sustenance. A depletion in one would affect the other and the earth in general. The use of animal parts for the production of clothing, and other accessories also can lead to their extinction as demand outweighs supply.

  1. Donate used and unused items 

Giving out your used items reduces the need for more production by companies. It directly impacts the demand for such commodities. If you know someone in need, you can give it to them or charity. If the items are new and you do not want them, you can also donate them rather than trashing them. This way, they get recycled until they no longer are useful or begin to decompose.

  1. Cut down on food wastage

It is easy to cut down on food wastage by freezing your food or giving it to those in need. When you need to throw food away, you can add it to the soil. It forms compost and replenishes soil nutrients.

We can all help sustain the earth if we practice these methods of living. It not only has positive implications for the earth but our lives. The earth is what we make of it and not the other way around. If we sustain it, then we can enjoy it.