7 Important Reasons Why Using Custom Powder Coating is Better than Other Traditional Painting Methods

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Powder coating is one of the most popular ways to paint a certain part. This method is perfect if you want to use a variety of colors and finishes for your project. It offers a wide array of benefits in comparison to traditional methods of painting. These include durability, low cost when coating, and the positive impact that it gives to the environment. Powder coating raises the value and viability of the finish used in several types of products compared to traditional painting.

If you want to know why you should choose powder coating than the classic way of painting, you’re in luck because this article will lay out all the benefits of choosing the former rather than the latter.

Powder Coating is More Efficient than Regular Painting

The process of powder coating has little to no waste because of the electromagnetic charge that holds the powder to the object being painted.  On top of that, the person doing the coating can spray as little or much powder as the object requires in one single application. Instead of waiting for the first coat to dry then apply the next one after, the coating process is done in one fast move and it will still coat the entire thing evenly. Choosing this painting method will save time, effort, and money on operational costs.

It’s a Cost Friendly Option

Aside from the fact that powder coating saves money by getting rid of the additional drying time and procedures, what most people don’t know is it can also be cost-effective in some other ways too. The raw materials that are utilized in the painting process are bought for the particular size and specifications of the project that’s being tackled. Aside from that, the powder itself is much more affordable compared to using wet paint and can be stored in less real estate than what we normally see – paint cans.

Powder Coating is Much More Durable than Other Painting Methods

If we’re talking about the finish itself, powder coating is popular for its durability, far more durable than some other paint options. When the curing process commences, the powder used will melt and will then form long chemical chains as a result of the gel that it had formed into. What’s good about this is it makes the finish more flexible than traditional paint, plus it allows the parts to bend and flex a little as they move or vibrate. Furthermore, the finished product will also be resistant to corrosion, flaking, and scratching, especially for metal projects.

Experiment from the Wide Variety of Color and Finish Options with Powder Coating

What most people don’t know is aside from the most common colors and finishes used in this method is you can customize the color and finish as much as you like. There are manufacturers that offer this service such as www.shieldcoart.com/powder-coating. You can request a rare type of blend to match any hues you have at home. You also have the option to add various types of textures such as glitters and wrinkles, and different types of finishes from matte all the way down to high gloss. Only a few paint methods can be as versatile as powder coating when it comes to fabrication.

Powder Coating is Safe and Eco-friendly

The powder used in powder coating does not contain harmful chemicals and solvents. With that in mind, it is safe for anyone to use, store, and dispose of it when needed. The process does not release any harmful chemicals into the environment because it is in the form of a spray.  Also, painters know that they need to wear protective gear to avoid the powder from getting to the skin and not to inhale it too.

Powder Coating Enhances the Overall Quality of the Project

If you want a high-quality finish that any other paint available in the market cannot compete with, choose powder coating.  The powder used in this type of painting method melts and flows in the thing being painted, which then creates an even surface overall. With that in mind, it is safe to say that it is safe from running, dripping, and unevenness, which is the most common problem when using wet paints. As a result, the painter doesn’t have to refinish or sand it when a mistake has been made.

Powder Coating Doesn’t Require Too Much Maintenance

If you’re looking for a finish that is not so hard to maintain in the long run, powder coating is your best bet. Powder-coated projects do not require specially formulated solvents and cleaners to clean the entire thing. With regular, soapy water and enough water to rinse the object, you can eliminate dirt and dust easily. On top of that, you wouldn’t have problems with rust and any other types of damage while cleaning since the coating is scratch and corrosion-resistant. In many instances, it is enough to keep the piece clean by merely wiping the parts a couple of times in a year.


You see, it is so easy to choose powder coating than traditional painting methods as the former outperforms the latter in so many areas. By having the right pieces of equipment to use, you can have a shorter finishing time, a broader range of options when it comes to the finish, and a better and higher quality finish for your project. Aside from that, it also gives you an opportunity to store and throw materials in a more cost-efficient and environment-friendly way. We bet your customers will love a finish that is resistant to everyday wear and tear (especially projects that are exposed to harsh weather conditions like garden benches) and something that is not so hard to maintain.