Types of Personal Injury Cases You Need to Know About

Personal injuries can have a devastating impact on a person’s life. Depending on the nature and extent of the injuries, some could rob you of your ability to earn an income, not forgetting huge medical bills, pain, and emotional turmoil. If someone else’s misaction or acts of negligence led to your injuries, you may have the right to receive compensation for your financial loss, pain, and suffering. These injuries come from a wide range of sources, including accidents, medical negligence, faulty products, and much more. To delve deeper into the topic, here are some types of personal injury cases you should know about.

1. Motor Vehicle Accident 

Road accidents have been the leading cause of deaths and disabilities all around the world. According to statistics, 2.2 million people and 33,000 were killed in the year 2009. Accidents are entitled to monetary compensation that will cater for all the resources lost during that recovery period. These include pedestrian accidents, where a speeding or reckless driver hits a pedestrian. If you are involved in a pedestrian accident, one of the first things to do after receiving medical attention is hiring a lawyer. This is because it could be difficult to prove negligence on the driver’s part, especially since they could claim you were drinking and walking. An accident attorney can help you recover compensation for your injuries, financial loss, and suffering.

2. Medical Malpractice

Negligence from medical professionals is not a new thing in the medical field. We have heard of cases where a patient has gone to the hospital to seek medical attention only for them to leave the hospital in a worse condition than they walked in. Some of the common scenarios include misdiagnosis, surgical injuries, birth errors, pharmacy mistakes, and improper treatment, among others. Supposing you have fallen victim to the hands of negligent medical practitioners, you ought to find yourself an attorney. They will aggressively help you pursue legal action to compensate for your injuries and loss.

3. Workplace Accidents 

No workplace is immune to accidents. This is why you find many companies getting worker’s comp insurance covers for their employees just in case such a situation was to arise. Accidents and deaths can occur when one is on duty, and the company has to take care of the employee’s compensation. In this case, however, the injured employee cannot bring a personal injury lawsuit against the boss. The injured employee is supposed to report claim compensation from the insurance provider through their employer.  

Compensation Act 

Here, the compensation act will require the employer to provide several benefits to its injured worker. The compensation includes Temporary Total Disability and Permanent Partial Disability. The concerned offices will guide you through the process and ensure that you get – as the state requires – every bit of the compensation you deserve. In case you are having trouble with your workers’ compensation claims, you can hire an experienced attorney for guidance on how to sue the insurance company or the boss.

4. Product Liability 

We sometimes shop innocently, only for the products we bought to backfire on us and cause severe injuries at home, work, or out in public. Companies should always alert the public about the harmful content in some of the products so that people can protect themselves. Some toxic products include potentially dangerous ingredients, consumer products, and food. You might have fallen victim to such a circumstance. The use of an unsafe product should be reported to an experienced attorney so that he can evaluate the product, identify the responsible owners, and pursue compensation.

5. Wrongful Death 

Death is inevitable but looking at situations plainly, some deaths can be avoided. In this case, just as the name describes it, this is a type of lawsuit that is caused when someone has lost his life to someone else’s carelessness or negligence. Included cases are neglected nurse care, car crash, airplane crash, using a dangerous product, construction accidents, and medical malpractice, among others. As you might already know, these are cases where the personal injury leads to the individual’s death, and compensation is pursued by the surviving family members.

6. Premises Liability 

This is a common form of accident that can occur to anybody anywhere. You could be walking out of a store in a shopping mall, and you end up falling due to a slippery floor, leaving you with a fracture. Well, that is someone’s property, and they deserve compensation for your loss and pain. You could also be visiting your neighbour, but his dog bites you.

In all these cases, money cannot be compared to good health and wellness, but you deserve to be compensated. A witness, pictures, and footage can be a good exhibit during legal processes. A personal injury attorney will walk you through the journey of seeking compensation after suffering a personal injury.