Why Does Sleep Feel So Good

We all know that sleep is an integral part of our lives. Even when you have the best life to live with all those luxuries you can imagine, you cannot live without a sufficient amount of sleep. Sometimes, we do take sleep for granted also.

We don’t understand the importance of getting a good night’s sleep until you start seeing a row of sleepless nights and occasional insomnia. So, we think it’s important to ask this question: why does sleep feel so well? Moreover, why is sleep so important in human life?

In this article, we have tried to answer both these questions most comprehensively.

What Is Sleep? Is It Same As Rest?

We know this is something of a no-brainer question, but do you know what sleep means? Well, lots of people mistake rest for sleep, which isn’t a crime. However, you must understand the difference between sleep and rest based on how your body behaves during each of these phases. Rest is something that can impact your whole body and beyond. Time-outs from work, vacations, and even power-naps could be considered as rest in some sense.

However, when you fall asleep, it should be in the right environment, and your body should be kept in the most comfortable way possible. Taking an example, merely lying down on the bed may help you get the right amount of rest. On the other hand, this inactivity phase might not give you the many positive factors that sleep contributes to your body. These positive factors are the reasons why you feel so well after a good night’s sleep — whether you had a tiring day before or not.

So, before we ask you the big question of did you sleep good, let’s take a look at the most significant positive aspects of sleep.

Why Does Sleep Feel So Good?

Researchers have been looking at the connection between getting enough sleep and feeling good for quite a while. Recently, though, a group of researchers from Stanford University discovered that a brain circuit is connected to both the sleepiness and internal reward systems. In light of this discovery, we can safely state that getting a good night’s sleep makes our body feel optimistic about rewarding itself.

This could be one reason you feel so well after getting the recommended amount of sleep. This also explains why issues like occasional insomnia make people feel so bad about themselves. It should be noted that you should get the recommended amount of sleep to feel this way. Just because you get regular rest does not mean that you can reap these benefits.

But, all these points bring us back to another question — why is sleep important?

Why Is Sleep Important?

We will now look at why getting good sleep is essential for your body, mind, and whole being.

  1. Sleep Improves Concentration and Productivity

Several research attempts have found out that people who get the recommended amount of sleep regularly improve their concentration skills and focus over time. Regardless of the area you work in, focus and concentration can make things more productive. It should also be noted that being productive makes our body feel positive about itself. Altogether, it is safe to say that getting good sleep will help you succeed.

  • Sleep is Linked to Mental Health

Have you ever wondered why many people invest so much in creating the perfect sleeping environment? It is common for many to check out morgedal mattress review and other options before making what they feel is the best way to sleep. This is because getting a good night’s sleep every day can improve mental health by a considerable margin. And this means staying away from issues like depression, anxiety, and more.

  • Sleep can Affect Physical Health

Just as it impacts mental health, getting good sleep every day can alter your physical health as well. Taking an example, people who get the right amount of sleep tend to stay away from issues like obesity and weight gain. Similarly, research has shown that people who hardly get adequate sleep tend to be more prone to diabetes and inflammation problems. In short, not getting regular sleep means unhealthy days ahead.

  • Immunity Matters

We already told you that getting adequate sleep is an important part of physical health. More importantly, it can have a noticeable impact on your immunity. Considering that we live in a world that faces many problems, getting the right amount of sleep is the best way to keep yourself away from the various viruses and other infections that you may be exposed to.

  • Enabling Social Interaction

Social interaction is something that plays a crucial role in how we move forward in life. When you work in a business industry that requires networking, social interaction becomes a matter of necessity. Failing to get the recommended amount of sleep can affect your social interaction skills in direct and indirect manners. So, if you want to keep yourself on the toes, you have to get the right amount of sleep that your age needs.


Along with these, you should also understand that your body can reward your brain when it gets the needed amount of sleep. This feeling of fulfillment matters a lot from the wellbeing point of view. Of course, you not only have to address the issues that prevent you from sleeping well, such as sleep talking and sleep apnea but also arrange your sleeping environment.

To do that latter, you can seek the help of science and tech at the maximum level. For instance, you have to make sure that you choose a mattress that suits your sleeping position and body type. On a general note, it is advised to listen to soothing sleep music or white noise so that you can fall asleep faster. Some of these sounds can also help you stay asleep without ruining the quality.

Alternatively, experts also recommend using techniques like smart alarms, essential oils, and the use of a sleep tracker — so that you know the progress you have achieved.