Ultra Omega Burn Reviews: Does it Work?

Sometimes, despite exercising regularly and eating healthy, you will find yourself still putting on weight. It isn’t your fault; lots of things can cause unintentional gain in weight, such as a slower metabolism due to old age or side effects from a medication you’re taking.

Whatever the reason, gaining weight unexpectedly can be stressful and discouraging. When this starts to happen, you might consider taking some kind of supplement to counteract this. However, there are tons of scam supplements out there that can give you a ton of unwanted side-effects or simply don’t work.

But what if there was a supplement out there that could help you shed excess pounds and give you additional health benefits? And what if this supplement was completely safe and natural?

You might think that such a supplement could not possibly exist; that it would be too good to be true. But believe it or not, Ultra Omega Burn is just such a supplement.

Keep reading to find out just how Ultra Omega Burn works and what makes it so unique.

Who Should Use Ultra Omega Burn?

Ultra Omega Burn is for anyone seeking a supplement to help them lose weight more effectively. Ultra Omega Burn is not a miracle weight-loss drug; rather, it helps the body metabolize more fat during physical activity and helps lower the levels of cholesterol in the body.

Ultra Omega Burn is for people who are physically active and eat a healthy diet but find that they are still struggling to lose weight despite their best efforts. Ultra Omega Burn can also be an effective supplement for people suffering from an omega-7 deficiency. A deficiency in omega-7 can result in issues such as dry, scaly skin, dry, red, itchy eyes, and a dry mouth.

Omega-7 also helps to reduce insulin resistance, which can be beneficial for people with type-2 diabetes.

Ultra Omega Burn Review: Brand Overview

Ultra Omega Burn is a dietary supplement that uses concentrated omega-7 to help the body burn more fat and keep its cholesterol levels in check.

Ultra Omega Burn is manufactured by Nutra Active, an American company. Currently, Ultra Omega Burn is the only product that Nutra Active makes.

The manufacturer uses a process called cold-press extraction in order to extract omega-7 oil from its sources. Cold-press extraction is designed to use as little heat as possible when performing the extraction process. Excessive heat can degrade high-quality oils and extracts, so this extraction technique.

Omega-7 is an omega fatty acid, a type of fat that humans need to consume in order to remain healthy. The other omega fatty acids are omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9.

Omega-7 was discovered more recently than the other omegas and has not been researched thoroughly, but all evidence so far suggests that omega-7 is just as beneficial to your health as other fatty acids.

What Are Omega Fatty Acids?

Omega fatty acids are essential fats that the body needs in order to function properly. The body usually can’t make fatty acids on its own, so it needs to get them from food.

The most common type of omega fatty acid is omega-3. Omega-3 can be found in a wide variety of foods, including soybeans, walnuts, flaxseed, spinach, kale, and fish. Omega-3 helps you build muscle and lose fat, helps the body control blood clotting, and can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Omega-7, though still new and not entirely understood, is thought to offer most of the same benefits as omega-3 with a few additional ones. In particular, omega-7 is shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and helps to reduce insulin resistance.

One of the main differences between omega-7 and other fatty acids is that omega-7 is very uncommon in normal food sources. The best source of omega-7 currently known is the sea buckthorn, whose berries are loaded with this compound. Omega-7 is also found in macadamia nuts.

Pros & Cons

Before you consider placing an order of Ultra Omega Burn, you should take into account all the possible pros and cons of using this product. Here, we’ve compiled a list of all the pros and cons we could find, to help you make an informed decision.


  • Extremely basic formula – Ultra Omega Burn differs from a lot of other weight-loss supplements in its simplicity. Unlike other supplements which may contain a cocktail of questionable substances, Ultra Omega Burn contains only one active ingredient, derived from natural sources.
  • Numerous health benefits – Ultra Omega Burn helps your body burn more fat for energy, which will help you lose weight. The concentrated omega-7 contained in this product can also improve your skin condition, lower your cholesterol, and decrease your resistance to insulin.
  • All-natural – The omega-7 in Ultra Omega Burn’s formula is extracted from natural sources. No weird chemicals or unresearchable substances are found here.
  • Extremely low risk of side effects – When taken correctly, you can expect to avoid the possibility of experiencing any side effects.
  • Safe for almost everyone – Aside from young children, who should not take Ultra Omega Burn because of their different dietary needs, anyone can safely use this product, including pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • Available worldwide – Ultra Omega Burn can be shipped internationally. Bulk orders are eligible for free shipping.
  • Exceptional guarantee – The manufacturer promises to refund your purchase no matter what if you are unsatisfied with the results. You are given an entire year to return your packaging and receive a refund.


  • Not a miracle drug – Ultra Omega Burn will definitely give you many health benefits, but only if you already do your best to live a healthy lifestyle. If you take Ultra Omega Burn but don’t eat well and don’t exercise, you probably won’t see as much improvement in your overall health as you’d want.
  • Not suitable for every age – Ultra Omega Burn is a supplement for adults. Children have different dietary needs than adults, and giving your child a dietary supplement intended for adults may not give you the desired effects.
  • Not much information available about the manufacturer – While all available information about the product itself indicates that it is a safe and healthy supplement for adults to take, there is not much information that can be found about the company that makes it. It may be concerning for potential customers who are worried about scam companies.


Ultra Omega Burn contains only one active ingredient: omega-7 fatty acids. Despite the simplicity of the formula, Ultra Omega Burn has a multitude of different health benefits.

Ultra Omega Burn comes in the form of gel capsules. One serving of Ultra Omega Burn contains 250 mg of omega-7.

Other ingredients in Ultra Omega Burn include gelatin, glycerin, and purified water. These ingredients are there to preserve the integrity of the capsule and ensure that the contents are able to maintain the right moisture levels.

What is not known is where exactly the manufacturer sources their omega-7 from. Omega-7 is usually sourced either from the berries of the sea buckthorn or from the remains of fish that have already been processed for their supply of omega-3.

Either way, the end product is the same, so it doesn’t matter much where the manufacturer sources it from. Perhaps if it does come from fish remains, they have omitted this detail simply because it doesn’t sound very appealing. Of course, this is just speculation on our part.

How Does Ultra Omega Burn Work?

Ultra Omega Burn has other effects, but it is primarily marketed as a weight-loss tool. It does not eliminate excess fat directly, but rather it induces changes in how the body metabolizes fat and glucose that help the body shed more weight on its own.

The manufacturer claims that this is because omega-7 interacts with the body’s cells in such a way that it causes them to release their stores of fat. If the fat is released, it can be used by the rest of the body to sustain itself. Essentially, Ultra Omega Burn prevents the body from storing excess fat to begin with, which is then burned off through normal physical activity.

Omega-7 is also inherently beneficial to your skin. This is because it is a potent antioxidant that helps rebuild cells, delays cell aging, helps heal wounds faster and helps heal scars and other blemishes.

Benefits of Using Ultra Omega Burn

Taking Ultra Omega Burn on a regular basis can give you numerous health benefits. Here, we will go into more detail about the benefits this product can bring:

Weight Loss

According to the product manufacturer, Ultra Omega Burn causes cells that are storing excess fat to release this fat. Once the fat has been released into the body, it can be burned as an energy source, helping you lose weight.

Better Skin

Products that contain omega-7 are known for being extremely beneficial to your skin. Taking Ultra Omega Burn regularly helps keep the skin moisturized and protects the skin cells from UV damage. If you frequently suffer from dry skin, Ultra Omega Burn can help your skin feel smoother and tighter.

Reduced Levels of Cholesterol

Omega-7 supplements have been shown to be effective at lowering cholesterol levels. In a study performed on rats, the rats fed diets rich in omega-7 showed a clear decrease in cholesterol levels compared to rats that ate food containing other fatty acids.

Reduced Inflammation

Part of what makes Ultra Omega Burn so good for your skin is that omega-7 has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent rashes and irritation. But it’s not just good for your skin. Omega-7 is effective at treating inflammation throughout the body. In a study conducted on patients with ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the colon), the patients who were given doses of omega-7 showed a definite reduction in inflammatory activity. No matter what part of the body is inflamed, omega-7 supplements can treat it.

Reduced Insulin Resistance

Taking omega-7 helps the body use glucose more effectively, which helps you lose weight and help decrease the body’s insulin resistance. Being more sensitive to insulin is particularly helpful for people with type-2 diabetes, who typically have too much insulin resistance.

Improved Digestive Function

Omega-7 has been shown to be beneficial to the health of the body’s mucous membranes, which are essential to your well-being. The health of your mucous membranes is crucial to many of your organs’ functionality, including your digestive organs.

Unhealthy mucous membranes can cause a variety of gastrointestinal problems, such as ulcers. In such cases, omega-7 helps repair gastric tissue and prevents further inflammation.

Strengthens Hair and Nails

Omega-7 prevents inflammation of the hair follicles and strengthens the structure of the hairs. It leads to healthier-looking hair, and can even prevent balding in some cases. Omega-7 can also improve the strength of your fingernails, making them less brittle.


Not much research has been done on the effects of omega-7 on the body, but most available sources indicate that taking omega-7 supplements is pretty risk-free for the most part. Since Ultra Omega Burn is basically just pure omega-7 and little else, there is little chance that you will experience any negative side-effects.

No Side-Effects

From what evidence we can find, using Ultra Omega Burn as per the manufacturer’s instructions will most likely not cause you to experience any side-effects.

We based this on the list of side-effects for sea buckthorn extract, which contains a large amount of omega-7. In most cases, people taking sea buckthorn extract did not experience any side-effects. Any side-effects that did occur were usually caused in part by an additional medical issue.

Who Should Refrain From Using Ultra Omega Burn?

Despite the overall safety of this product, there are still a few groups who may not react well to taking Ultra Omega Burn.

According to the manufacturer, Ultra Omega Burn is not suitable for children and should not be given to them. Children have different dietary needs than adults, and often require a much lower concentration of vitamins and minerals in their diets than adults do. Ultra Omega Burn may contain far more omega-7 than your child reasonably needs.

It is unknown what will happen if you overconsume Ultra Omega Burn, so it is advisable that you do not exceed the recommended daily serving size.

In addition, people with certain conditions or who are taking certain medications may be at an increased risk of experiencing certain symptoms.

In rare cases, people who had high blood pressure noticed swelling, headaches, dizziness, and palpitations after taking omega-7 supplements.

Some diabetic people who also took medicine to lower their blood sugar noticed that their blood sugar was too low after taking omega-7 supplements.

In any case, Ultra Omega Burn is pretty safe for most people. But as always, you should check in with your doctor before taking a new supplement, even if it is a simple, natural one like this.

Dosage & Starting Tips

The manufacturer recommends you take one gel capsule a day, either half an hour before mealtime or an hour after eating. You can take it any time of the day you wish.

The manufacturer does not provide any details about how to start taking Ultra Omega Burn apart from these. We would recommend that you purchase one container to begin with, which contains a month’s supply of servings, and see if you are satisfied after finishing it.

Where To Buy Ultra Omega Burn & Guarantees

You can purchase Ultra Omega Burn from their website. A single container costs $50 U.S., and you have the option of purchasing packages of three containers for $120 or six containers for $200. The six-container option comes with free shipping.

You can purchase your order with any major credit card or with PayPal.

Ultra Omega Burn comes with a very strong money-back guarantee. The manufacturer promises that you can return your packaging within up to a year of purchasing it and still be eligible for a full refund. You can even return half-used and empty products.

Ultra Omega Burn Reviews: Conclusion

Ultra Omega Burn seems to be a very promising supplement for its intended purpose. A lot of evidence indicates it may indeed be an effective aid for weight loss. However, it only works alongside a healthy diet and real exercise, so don’t expect any miraculous results simply from taking it alone.

Aside from its ability to help you lose weight, it also offers you several other benefits, from healthier skin to lower cholesterol. It can even help treat diabetes and inflammation throughout the body. And the best part is, it’s just one natural ingredient that does it all.

If you’re in the need for a high-quality omega-7 supplement, we definitely recommend that you give Ultra Omega Burn a try. With such a strong guarantee backing it up as well, you really don’t have anything to lose.

Nonetheless, it is always wise to consult your doctor first to make doubly sure that any new supplement you take will be right for you. But chances are this one will be, so take it responsibly and enjoy all the benefits it brings!