When to Start Looking for a New Job

In decades past, the number of years an employee spent at one employer was an enviable attribute. While this is still viewed as a sign of loyalty, trustworthiness, decisiveness, persistence, and commitment, today’s society is less dogmatic about it.

There’s a growing understanding that one should stay at an employer only for as long as is necessary. But changing jobs must be done when the time is right. Whereas you can try ResumeBuild and other similar tools to polish your resume, your job search should only commence when the warning flags say so.

Here are some of the indicators that show you should move.

The Organization is Dying

In the business world, mounting debt, cash flow challenges or catastrophic brand damage could lead to corporate failure. In the nonprofit sector, donor funding may no longer be as forthcoming as it was before or the cause the organization was set up for no longer exists.

Whatever the reason for your employer’s bleak future, it’s better to move out before the end comes. Waiting too long is detrimental because you’ll eventually start competing for the same jobs as your current work colleagues. Also, you’ll have a harder time persuading hiring managers that the fall of the organization had nothing to do with you nor is it representative of your competence.

There’s No Room or Sign for Growth   

While your employer may value you and consider you a crucial pillar to the organization’s success, there will be times when your current position is as far as you can go. In other instances, there may be growth opportunities but your managers haven’t moved you up the ladder in years.

The longer you stay in your current position, the harder it becomes for you to look attractive to a prospective employer out there. Hiring managers will be curious about the stagnation and may perceive it as a sign that you aren’t considered a valuable employee. If you feel stifled at your workplace, it’s time to look for another job.

You Are Less Involved

If you find that your supervisor is not involving you as much in planning, strategizing and decision-making as they used to before, consider that your cue to move. Career success is about not just growing your income but also increasing the scale and sophistication of your responsibility.

Any persistent reduction in responsibility is a red flag. Your role is no longer as valued and respected as it was before. Even if your employer doesn’t intend to fire you, it means you will be on the wrong side of job cuts when they happen in the future. Start searching for an organization that will value your knowledge and skills.

Interpersonal Friction

Any gathering of humans is bound to come with some conflict. The workplace environment is no exception. The different preferences, views, experiences, and personalities can be a cause of interpersonal disagreement. It’s, however, a completely different ballgame if workplace conflicts are not only routine but also inhibit your ability to function effectively.

When your attempts to address these issues with your manager or HR fail to bear fruit and any efforts at finding common mutually-acceptable ground hit a brick wall, finding a new job is your most logical recourse.

Your Health is Taking a Beating

Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life, right? Not quite. Every job will have at least some stress from time to time. The very essence of work is overcoming resistance to achieve a goal. Where you should draw the line though is work stress that’s taking a toll on your health.

For instance, enduring high blood pressure for weeks, months or years on end can steadily diminish the function of body organs and lead to an early death. No job is worth that. You may have to accept a job that pays less or at a lower position but that would serve you and your family well over the long-term.


You’re under no obligation to stay with an organization for your entire career. Watch out for these signs to know when it’s time to jump ship.