Join Katy Prairie Conservancy for Unplugged Adventure: Native Snakes presented by Texas Venom Experience

What:             The Katy Prairie Conservancy (KPC) presents Unplugged Adventure: Native Snakes with experts Texas Venom Experience and Reptile Conservation Outreach, aimed at those who want to learn more about native snakes and other reptiles found on the Katy Prairie. All ages are invited to join us for this up close and personal live native snake presentation on the Indiangrass Preserve.

Photo caption: The non-venomous prairie kingsnake can be found on the Katy Prairie and elsewhere in Texas and the United States. Photo by Greg Lavaty.

Snakes serve an important role in our environment, yet they are greatly misunderstood and often killed out of fear. In Native Snakes, guests will learn about the snakes that live on the Katy Prairie and in their backyards, including how to identify native snakes. Discover common myths and misperceptions about snakes and hear fascinating facts, including how venom is being used to save human lives.

According to Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, the majority of Texas’ snakes are non-venomous and completely harmless. Only 15 percent of the total number are venomous and should be treated with caution and respect. It’s estimated that the Lone Star State has approximately 76 species of snakes.

Who:                Families and individuals of all ages.

When:              Saturday, Mar. 16 at 10 a.m.

Where:            Indiangrass Preserve, 31975 Hebert Road, Waller, TX, 77484 (directions at

Cost:                None