Olson Acts To Expand Veterans Healthcare Options

Washington, DC – Rep. Pete Olson (TX-22) today acted to expand veterans healthcare options by voting for H.R. 2372, the Veterans Equal Treatment Ensures Relief and Access Now (VETERAN) Act. This bill will provide eligible veterans with the choice to get financial support for a private plan instead of enrolling in healthcare by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). It unanimously passed the House this afternoon.

“I’m pleased the VA has upheld its promise to provide veterans with affordable healthcare, this bill provides an important option to ensure that each individual veteran’s needs are met,” Rep. Pete Olson said. “Veterans, like all Americans, deserve affordable choices when it comes to our health, and it’s critical that our veterans have the option to choose the plan that suits them best. I’m pleased the House passed this bill to give our veterans the flexibility they deserve.”

The VETERAN Act codifies a Department of Treasury regulation that allows veterans who are eligible for, but do not elect to be covered by, certain VA health programs to qualify for premium assistance tax credits.