Attend the next Landscape Success class because it’s on Zoom and you can watch and learn from the comfort of your home

You don’t have to worry about driving in wintery weather to attend the next Landscape Success class because it’s on Zoom and you can watch and learn from the comfort of your home. The 90-minute online class “Growing a Great Lawn” will begin at 1 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24. Register at   All registered attendees will receive a link to the class recording. The class will address the basics of grasses suitable for our region as well as their characteristics. The class will also address grass maintenance and common problems. The class will be taught by Don Parkhouse of Rosenberg who has been a Master Gardener since 2008. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Fort Bend County, along with the Fort Bend County Master Gardeners are offering “Landscape Success,” a seven-class online program, to help create and maintain beautiful home landscapes.  Learn more at Landscape Success – Fort Bend. Other classes in the series include “Landscape Basics” Feb. 28; “Flowering Plants for 4 Seasons” March 28; “Using Irrigation Wisely” April 25; “Shade Gardening-Ideas and Tips” May 23; “Tree Care Basics” June 27; and “Winter Protection” Aug. 22For questions and information, contact: Brandy Rader at 281-342-3034 or

The Fort Bend Master Gardener Community Events Team will have a booth at the second annual Brazos/Fort Bend Home and Garden Show Jan.24-26 to promote their Grow your Own and Landscape Success classes, the Master Gardener program, and answer homeowner gardening questions. Admission is free but parking will be $5.
The FBMG Compost Team of Sam Guardiola, Clarence Gray, and Barkat Charania (BC) will present “Composting in the Home” at noon, Jan. 25. For more information, visit The show will be at The Fort Bend EpiCenter, 28505 Southwest Fwy, Rosenberg.