Vehicle Repair or Replacement

Texans impacted by Hurricane Beryl may be eligible for FEMA assistance to repair or replace a vehicle.

FEMA provides financial help after a disaster for eligible expenses not paid by insurance or other sources which may include repair or replacement of a vehicle. The vehicle’s damage must have been caused by the disaster and the vehicle must be no longer operable or safe to drive. Cosmetic repairs are not covered.

Assistance is usually limited to one vehicle. If there is a second functional vehicle in the household, the applicant must certify in writing that the damaged vehicle is essential for household’s daily use.

Other conditions for assistance include:

  • The vehicle must comply with state registration and insurance requirements.
  • The vehicle must be owned or leased (not a rental) by the applicant, co-applicant, or household member.
  • The damaged vehicle must be an approved vehicle type such as a car, truck, SUV or van.

To find out if you are eligible, you can apply to FEMA in several ways:

  • Go online to
  • Download the FEMA App for mobile devices
  • Call the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362 between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. Help is available in most languages. If you use a relay service, such as video relay (VRS), captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA your number for that service.
  • Visit any Disaster Recovery Center. For locations and hours, go online to