19th Annual Fort Bend Spring Brunch raises nearly $47,000 in support of outreach to area families

The Fort Bend community came together in style to celebrate the 19th Annual Fort Bend Spring Brunch: Hats, Gloves, and Boutonnières, hosted by friends of the Fort Bend Children’s Discovery Center – A Very Special Project of Children’s Museum Houston.

Held at the stunning Sweetwater home of Elizabeth Madden, the event was a remarkable success, raising nearly $47,000 to support the Discovery Center and its outreach programs in Fort Bend County.

Around 200 guests, dressed in colorful attire and chic hats, enjoyed a delightful brunch catered by Chef Soren Pedersen, featuring a menu that perfectly complemented sparkling rosé and mimosas.

This year’s elegant brunch was expertly co-chaired by the Discovery Center’s council members Cara Millas and Hillary Watson, whose efforts ensured a memorable and impactful event.

Top donors included –

  • Underwriters:  Charlene Pate, Manmeet Likhari, Cara Millas, Valerie and Sam Golden, Jackie Bergdoll, Rachel Leaman, Lynn Halford, Hillary Watson and Dan Hinkle.
  • Patrons:  Sugar Land Office of Economic Development, Dawn Golden Brule.
  • Friends:  Brigit Engleman, Debbie Fash, Melinda Rao, Catherine Conlon Sanders, Shay James and Alicia Scala.

For photos:  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8d23b6jr4jk15k8hymqrh/ACTOYWG108WGygbOhXCoEss?rlkey=fhrjkwkwc858sw9i8if7tt31y&dl=0

(Please credit:  Fort Bend Children’s Discovery Center)