And God Saw that It Was Good

Wednesdays, September 4 – 25, 6 p.m., online

Over four sessions, this course will offer stunning video clips of the national parks from Ken Burns’s popular film and guided discussion related to the film. In group discussion, we will explore how the national parks can teach us about our relationship with both God and the Earth. The first session explores the history of the national parks, and how time in the parks can bring us back to our own rootedness in the natural world. The second session discusses how God seems so present to us in the national parks, and in nature more generally. The third session reflects on the human impact – positive and negative – on the national parks and on the Earth. The final session explores how we might expand our vision of God’s presence to include the non-human along with the human. Join us for stunning images of nature and thought-provoking faith-based discussion. Register on at: Contact Lisa Brenskelle at with any questions.