Royal ISD out for the summer

Good evening, Falcons!

It has been a wonderful year at Royal ISD, and we hope you have a wonderful summer! Please continue reading to learn about an amazing accomplishment in Falcon Country! We could not be prouder of our students, staff, and families for making this possible!

“If you have a child’s heart, you have a child’s mind.” The Royal ISD Strategic Direction lists “Genuine Relationships” and “Safe Learning Environment” as two of the district’s core beliefs. To put these beliefs into practice, RISD embarked on a journey three years ago to implement the processes from Capturing Kids’ Hearts (CKH) across the district, aiming to positively impact culture, climate, safety, discipline, and staff retention. Royal Superintendent Rick Kershner and Culture & Wellbeing Coordinator Diane Holub set a goal of achieving National Showcase School honors for one or more campuses.

Royal’s principals lead the CKH initiative on their campuses, and Royal thanks them for their leadership and dedication. Congratulations to Royal Early Childhood Center Principal Katacha Miller, Royal Elementary School Principal Ashley Cook, Royal STEM Academy Principal Katelyn Miksch, Royal Junior High School Principal Marcus McLemore, and Royal High School Principal Shalonda Dumas, along with their teams, for this prestigious honor. This is the second year that Royal Early Childhood Center has been named a National Showcase School.

Thanks to the continued support of our dedicated campus Process Champions, campus staff, students, Superintendent Kershner, district-level administration, and the Royal School Board, Royal ISD has achieved that goal at all five of its campuses. Out of approximately 10,000 schools nationwide participating in CKH, only 612 campuses were named CKH National Showcase Schools.

Superintendent Kershner and Mrs. Holub had a second goal in mind when Royal ISD began its CKH journey: being named a National Showcase School District. Royal ISD is proud to announce that we have achieved this prestigious honor for the 2023-2024 school year. Out of 10,000 CKH schools, only 40 districts nationwide earned this recognition.

CKH Strategist and Trainer Danielle Rapp had this to say about Royal’s accomplishment: “I have worked with many schools and many districts throughout the United States. Royal ISD is a standout among them. I can truly say that Royal ISD, from the top down, has come together solidly with passion, purpose, and a plan to do what is best for EVERY child. The transformation in such a short period of time is quite a tribute to all the leaders in the district. The data supports this clearly. A culture of engagement has been created and nurtured. My highest compliment is that I would want my own children to go to school in Royal ISD! Congratulations to all!”

Royal ISD

#WeAreRoyal #InvestingInOurTomorrow #CKH #FalconPride