Xanax Addiction: A Guide on Xanax Addiction

Xanax (alprazolam) is an anti-benzodiazepine medicine that’s used to treat anxiety-related conditions as well as seizure disorders. You’ve probably heard of Xanax in the past because it is now a well-known drug that has been abused in recent times. Xanax use is so widespread that it’s even been featured in popular music, TV films, and television shows.

As per the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 30% of fatal overdoses involving opioids involved benzodiazepines, such as Xanax.

Although Xanax addiction is now a “trend” in America, this substance comes with a myriad of potential dangers over the long term. From dependence and severe withdrawal symptoms to asthma depression, Xanax dependence isn’t a safe choice.

Alternative Names for Xanax

The most common streets names used for Xanax are:

  • Nannies or Zanies
  • Handlebars
  • Bars
  • Blue Footballs
  • Benzos
  • French Fries
  • Ladders
  • Sticks

Signs of Xanax Addiction

Substance use disorders aren’t always apparent on one’s own or others, and it is helpful to be aware of the most common symptoms and signs of SUDs. Although it is best for healthcare professionals to determine an official diagnosis, these criteria may help determine if you have SUDs. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with two or more of these factors in the last 12 months, it could be the time to take the next step to seek the help of an addiction specialist:

  • It is recommended to take Xanax in more significant quantities or over a more extended period than was initially planned.
  • You constantly want to reduce the dosage of Xanax, but you are not succeeding.
  • The majority of time is spent on getting, using, and recovering Xanax usage and its results.
  • A majority of our everyday activities revolve around the substance.
  • Hunger or an overwhelming desire to take Xanax.
  • Repeated Xanax usage can lead to a non-performance of essential obligations at school, work, or home.
  • Perpetual Xanax use, even if social or social negative consequences are present.
  • Being less or less active in professional, social, or leisure activities due to Xanax usage.
  • Regular Xanax usage even in physically risky instances, such as driving.
  • Continued Xanax usage, despite knowing physical or psychological issues, can be caused or worsened due to Xanax usage.
  • The tolerance makes it necessary to take more Xanax to get the desired result.
  • Withdrawal.

Physical Side Effects of Xanax Abuse

Xanax is known to have tangible physically-based consequences to the body, such as insomnia and a more relaxed mood. When an overdose occurs, however, physical symptoms can be more apparent as they can include:

  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Coordination issues
  • Reduced reflexes
  • Breathing is slow

A Xanax dosage can be fatal. Therefore, you should seek medical care if you suspect you have taken an overdose.

Psychological Symptoms of Abuse

People who are using Xanax or any other benzodiazepines may display a variety of psychological symptoms. Some of these signs are mood changes, like:

  • Amnesia
  • Hostility
  • Irritability
  • Dreams that are vivid or disturbing.

Is Xanax Addictive?

Is Xanax addictive? Xanax can be addicting. There are a variety of reasons users of Xanax could be addicted.

Long-term usage can result in a strong dependence on Xanax. Dependence is a change in the body that makes the body familiar with Xanax being in our bodies, and withdrawal-related symptoms show up as they decrease or stop the amount they consume.

The withdrawal symptoms of Xanax can be excruciating and, in some cases, even hazardous. However, the withdrawal can lead a person to use Xanax to prevent these signs.

Why is Xanax so addicting?

Because people typically take Xanax to relieve symptoms of panic and anxiety disorder, Its use can lead to dependence. Why? People with mental health problems might already be inclined to use drugs to “take the edge off.” When they develop a dependency and their problems worsen, they’re more likely to be. It is possible to experience an effect of rebound, where their anxiety gets more severe when they’re not dependent on the substance.

What causes Xanax use cause addiction? When you consume benzodiazepines, they fill the mind with dopamine, a natural chemical that gives you a pleasant feeling. Dopamine’s surges increase the urge to use it again, which can result in an addiction that can lead to physical dependence and eventually addiction. Xanax can remain within the human body for as long as 24 hours, allowing the users to develop tolerance to the drug quickly.

Xanax Addiction Treatment Options

Xanax addiction treatment should begin in the best rehab for Xanax Addiction, providing 24/7 medical attention. This protects your body from withdrawal symptoms and health problems and ensures you stay as comfortable as you can during the entire process. It is not advisable to begin your recovery suffering and danger.

The medical detox starts by gradually withdrawing the dosage. This can reduce the withdrawal effects and increase your health risk. Additionally, you will receive treatment for any other co-occurring physical or mental health issues that might have been concealed or caused by Xanax usage.

Counseling and the other therapies included in the Xanax addiction treatment program will provide you with the strategies and strategies to deal with tension, stress, or adverse emotional reactions in a positive way. By using the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other behavioral therapies, you will be able to train yourself to use healthy methods of coping, like deep breathing or physical exercise, instead of taking drugs when confronted by triggers. These techniques will help you through withdrawal in a safe and intensive treatment. You will then maintain your abstinence when you leave and live the new, exciting lifestyle you’ve constructed for yourself.

Don’t jeopardize your health or happiness by living in silence or attempting to heal from Xanax addiction by yourself. There are affordable, effective treatments available regardless of the circumstances of your life