Award highlights achievements during Texas Adult Education and Family Literacy Week
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is pleased to recognize six individuals who acquired skills through TWC’s Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) program as Scholars of the Year during the AEL Fall Institute. Governor Greg Abbott proclaimed September 18-24, 2022, as Texas Adult Education and Family Literacy Week. During this week of recognition, the workforce award for TWC customers highlights the academic work of these scholars and the agency’s commitment to upskilling Texans.
“It is important to recognize the efforts of all Texans working to improve their knowledge and skills,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. “TWC is dedicated to providing opportunities and resources to adults who need literacy, math, and digital skills. Gaining a high school equivalency and other certifications creates greater career success in Texas’ robust economy.”
The AEL Fall Institute, currently underway in Austin and scheduled to run until September 22, 2022, provides educational strategies and sessions to create high-impact teaching strategies and support best practices for TWC-funded providers. The scholars received the awards earlier today during the conference. Programs funded by TWC’s AEL provide basic math and literacy skills, English for second language learners, digital literacy, and integrated education and training. Students learn the skills needed to succeed in the workforce, earn a high school equivalency, or enter college and career training.
“Congratulations to the six AEL Scholars of the Year for being honored for their hard work and effort,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez. “Whether it’s someone learning English as their second language or a person who may not have graduated high school, adult education and literacy creates opportunities for all those who participate.”
TWC’s AEL serves more than 60,000 adult learners each year—changing their lives while benefitting their families and the economy. To participate in AEL services, individuals must function below the high school level; lack a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent; or be unable to speak, read, or write in English. Many AEL participants also receive a recognized post-secondary credential through an integrated education and training program.
“Texas employers are looking for employees committed to creating the best product, providing legendary customer service, and satisfying their business needs, said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Aaron Demerson. “The six recognized scholars, and all who participate in AEL programs throughout the Lone Star State, are prime examples of employees demonstrating that exemplary service for their Texas employers.”
The 2022 TWC AEL Scholars of the Year are Adrianna Briones Almeda, Victoria College; Eric Vincent Fomo, Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas; Adriana Garcia, Far West AEL Consortium; Alexia Anahi Reyes, Brownsville ISD; Itzel I. Rodriguez, Region 20 Education Services Center; and, Lesslie Isabel Medina, Brazos Valley Council of Government. View photos from the event here.
Contact the Workforce Solutions office in your area to participate or learn more about Adult Education and Literacy services.