Why Do Football Players Buy Instagram Followers in the UK?

You might have noticed the recent uptick of celebrities’ and football players that have been found to be buying Instagram followers in the UK, but why do they do it? Is it a marketing strategy or simply an act of vanity?

There are a few different reasons as to why people (celebrities, athletes, and commoners all the same) have decided to buy Instagram followers from the UK over the last few years. There are tons of blog posts comparing the best sites to purchase followers from like this one on finderr.co.uk that you can read by clicking here. And although it might be easy to assume, it’s not always done for the ego.

Sure, purchasing active followers for an Instagram account can make anyone instantly appear to be more popular, which, if we’re talking short term, can make a person feel really, really good. It’s a fact that when a person sees a new follower notification on their Instagram dashboard, their brain lights up with feel-good chemicals, likening the experience to drug use.

But most of the time, when people purchase Instagram followers in the United Kingdom, it’s not for the flood of dopamine or a momentary improvement of self-confidence. It’s usually used as a marketing strategy and to attract more Instagram users to their Instagram account, for the long-term growth and overall improvement of their Instagram presence.

The reasons behind why so many people are buying Instagram followers in the UK

If your target audience is your fellow Brits, then you should always buy real followers on Instagram in the UK. Purchasing Instagram followers from the UK, can actually help increase the organic growth of an account’s follower count. Organic growth happens when a person gains new followers that are 100% real people with a genuine interest in said account’s content. It might sound counterintuitive, but essentially, the fastest way to gain real followers is to buy fake ones.

The explanation for this can be easily understood by taking a look at the “bandwagon” effect. One of the most basic rules of marketing, tells us that if a product appears to be wildly popular, it will sell like hotcakes. And it’s this bandwagon effect that people have when shopping (“if they’re buying it I need it too”) that can be seen at play on social media. When a person decides to buy Instagram followers in the UK, the increase in follower size will help them appear more interesting and worth following.

Why does having active Instagram followers matter?

Obviously, athletes’ careers heavily depend on their athletic ability and passion for their sport. But not every football player will be as famous as David Beckham, so it’s important for athletes to profit as much as possible from their fan base and carefully curated image.

A large number of followers isn’t always important or something that everyone should be losing sleep over. But for people like football players and professional athletes that need help in developing or maintaining a fan base, Instagram is the go-to tool.

Football players are essentially entertainers, and like all other professional entertainers, their fan base can make or break their careers. The more fans and support an athlete has, the more lucrative deals and sponsorships there are available to them. And when football player needs a little boost in their fan base, they often decide to buy followers on Instagram in the UK.

There is a wrong way to buy Instagram followers UK

One important thing to keep in mind, however, is that you must learn how to buy Instagram followers from the UK. Football players that already have a sizable following consisting of real Instagram followers, probably don’t need to worry about what I’m about to explain so much. But for those that have only a few followers or have yet to post any content, listen up.

If you buy Instagram followers UK too quickly, people are going to immediately notice. If people suspect you of having fake Instagram followers, they could potentially never even consider following you, or if they already have followed, decide to unfollow.

Buying from sites that sell fake followers without doing research is also a sure way to get nowhere fast. If you’re a football player in the UK that wants to buy followers, you should always take your time and keep in mind the location of where the fake followers are coming from.