So you have finally met the one you think could be your special one, haven’t you? You have been looking for her for so long… And it seems nothing stands in the way of your happiness. Friends and relatives can’t reach you because the line is busy all the time. You just can’t stop talking with your crush because so many things unite you!
But what about the first date ever? Even if your girlfriend is a hot Russian bride you have met through the Internet – there is no reason to think everything will be fine by default. Even if you have managed to learn plenty of personal details about each other – don’t be silly and prepare yourself for the rendezvous. You must agree: the impression you will make is crucial. Do your best so that later in your life you will remember where you met, what you talked about, what you were wearing, what flowers you brought.
We asked the best dating experts to tell us how to behave correctly on a first date. Today, we’ll share their tips with you too.
- Not only the girl worries before the rendezvous. For an average man, this is also a stressful occasion. Indeed, in most cases, the guy is the one who has to take on a major role in the whole process. So your emotions are absolutely okay.
- It is critical to make yourself presentable. No, do not wear a tailcoat, a bow tie. And don’t apply a lot of perfume. Clean clothes and shoes are all a gentleman needs on a first date.
- Should I buy flowers or not? This question is asked by many men before the very first date ever. Definitely yes! But if you are going for a long walk in the park, then – it is better to do it at the end of your promenade. So that the bouquet retains its original freshness for a long time after your meeting.
- Unlike women, who are allowed to appear on a date a little later than the agreed time – it is not what men can do. If you want to make a positive impression on your lady – come on time.
- It is worthwhile to think over the location you want to bring your lovely Internet girlfriend. The first date is not the time to be spontaneous – so better book a table in a quiet place. To avoid embarrassing situations when the bill lies in front of you, you need to tell the girl in advance that you are ready to pay for her. Or, in case it is not part of your plan – be honest from the beginning.
- And, of course, compliments. The standard phrase “you look gorgeous” is enough to add an extra bonus to your karma.
- There is nothing worse than checking your cell phone all the time. Thus it’s better to move it away and turn off the sound – so you won’t be distracted by notifications from social networks and messengers.
- You should not take your beloved dog or child with you on the first date, even if the dog is small and the child is calm. It’s better to make such acquaintances a little later. When? For example, as soon as you realize that you cannot live without each other.
- After the date (if everything went well and you are already excited about the next one), be sure to suggest you walk your woman home.
- In no way should you rush things, trying to take your newly-made darling by the hand, give the first kiss, and everything that follows. Do not extinguish a fire that has not yet flared up.