Katy ISD Announces Screening Deadline for Gifted and Talented Services

By George Slaughter

Katy Independent School District students in grades 6-11 are now able to be referred for screening for the 2022-23 gifted and talented program, the district said.

Parents must complete a parent observation checklist, which is available both at the student’s school and the district website.

The deadline for completing and returning the checklist is Nov. 12. Checklists not returned by the deadline will not be screened for service for the 2002-23 school year.

The district said transfer students who were screened in fall 2021 and not identified for GT services must wait one full academic year before they can be rescreened.

Students currently receiving GT services and wish to be screened for services in additional areas must submit the Request for Additional Services by Nov. 12.

Parents needing more information are asked to contact campus counselors or GT facilitators. The Katy ISD GT and Advanced Academics webpage has elementary and secondary parent checklists.