Home Improvements That Your Dog Will Thank You For 

In the past, you might have been tempted to get a dog and then ignore it until it’s time for dinner. Now the modern trend is to make your home a more comfortable place for pets with features like snazzy dog doors and chew-proof furniture. So if you’ve ever dreamed of having a pampered pooch, here are some pet-friendly improvements that will make your furry friend love you more.

Doggie Doorway

When it comes to pet-friendly home improvements, you could do worse than upgrading your dog door. New dog doors can now open at the push of a button and come with all sorts of safety measures like alarms that let you know when your dog has left the building. They also often come with various different sizes to suit dogs, both large and small, as well as draft seals that keep out cold air in winter or hot air in summer for maximum comfort.

Of course, if you’ve got an old rusty flap hanging around, then there’s no need to worry – just buy a new frame and install it yourself. You’ll have lifetime savings from not having to buy expensive kibble after your

Pet Water Fountain

Keeping your dog hydrated is important, so why not upgrade from a boring old bowl to a pet water fountain instead. The running water will encourage your furry friend to take longer drinks and stay better hydrated as a result, as well as discourage it from drinking out of the toilet or puddles on the street. Also, Dog Water Fountains often come with an additional filter that traps any nasty bits before they get into your pooch’s mouth – which might keep it healthier in the long run. They’re really easy to clean, too – just detach and give everything a quick wipe down once a week for squeaky-clean pets all around!

Doggy Furniture

Your pet deserves furniture too – all, who wouldn’t love a warm snuggly sofa to curl up on? If you can’t afford designer doggy sofas, then just buy a normal chair, strip off the legs and screws with a screwdriver, then attach some cushions to give your extra pet comfort. The added bonus is that it might also stop your dog from scratching up the furniture too!

The disadvantage of this is that it’s not always possible to get matching doggy furniture – but if this doesn’t bother you, then be sure to check out all the different styles available online. Just make sure you put away any valuables first! Advertisement

Pet Feeder

If you work full time, then feeding your dog might become a bit of a hassle – especially if you don’t feel like buying special microwavable meals for your pet. However, it’s easy to solve this problem by getting a pet feeder instead. They come in all different shapes and sizes and can store enough food for days at a time (just make sure you adjust the portions accordingly!)

Also, many models now have timers that will let you know when it’s dinner time – just press the button, and your pooch won’t go hungry! They’re great because they can help reduce stress on both ends – by giving your dog less anxiety from not being fed regularly as well as leaving more space for yourself too.

Flameless Fire

As any dog owner will tell you, dogs love to chew. If your pooch is the naughty type and chews up all your shoes (or worse), then it might be time to get a flameless fire instead! Not only do they look like real fires, but they come in loads of different styles that perfectly match most decor – and best of all, there’s no risk of anything getting burnt. They’re even great for pets, too, because there won’t be any flames or dangerous sparks flying about either.

One disadvantage with this, though, is that many pet-proof homes now have smoke detectors fitted in them – so you’ll probably need to take these down beforehand.

Doggy Doorbells

How much do you love your pet? Enough to let it answer the door for special deliveries too? If so, then why not bring home a dog doorbell, which comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes – from stand-alone systems that attach to your wall to little fake ones that come as part of fake rock.

The best thing about these, though, is that they can be fitted inside or outside depending on where you need them – meaning not only do you save money but give your pooch more chances of getting its paws wet! Just make sure you get one with adjustable volume controls first – otherwise, there could be trouble if your neighbors also have pets.

As you can see, if you look hard enough, then it’s not too difficult to make your home pet-friendly. With the above home improvements that your dog will thank you for, all pet owners can show their love and appreciation to their pets. Just try and think creatively and be sure to always keep safety in mind when buying anything new for your house.