Nutrition And Training Tips That You Should Know To Lose Weight


Losing weight is not easy for some people. Many of you may feel like it’s a constant struggle, no matter what you try. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there that is confusing, distracting, or simply hard to understand.

When it comes to losing weight, it should be straightforward. There are no magic fixes, just hard work, dedication, and patience. In this article, you will find a few key tips that you should understand to help you lose weight as quickly and healthily as possible.

Utilize Apps

These days, there’s no excuse for anyone to say fitness and nutrition tips are hard to come by. Thanks to modern technology, there’s a world of information in your pocket at all times, so things like the Spartan App can help. These sorts of apps are useful for everyone, as they bring training and nutrition into one handy, easy-to-use app right there in your pocket. One of these apps will not only utilize AI to monitor, track, and improve your training program, but it will also help you understand your diet, calorie intake, and more.

With these all-in-one features available across the board, what reason do you have for not learning about it? You can find plenty of information for free. Or, with a small subscription fee, have the information drip-fed into your device, helping you every single step of the way.

Understand Calories

One of the biggest, yet most simple aspects of weight loss is calories. People have a misguided view on calories as the diet industry has often demonized eating and consuming calories. However, you need calories to survive! The term ‘calories’ is simply a unit of measure for energy.

The simple fact is that if you consume more energy than you expend, you will gain weight. If you reverse this and eat fewer calories than you are burning, you will lose weight. There are plenty of free tools online that can help you calculate how many calories you should consume based on your activity level, job, age, weight, height, and more. These formulas are tried and tested, meaning you can trust that if you follow them properly, you will lose weight.

Tracking what you eat in an app can help you make sure that you’re on the right track. Like the apps previously mentioned, some will include workout plans and calorie tracking in one interface, making your whole fitness and weight loss journey easy to follow.

Up Your Protein

Though cutting calories is effectively simple, it can become complicated if you continue to eat the wrong things. Every human body is different and burns foods slightly differently, but, in general, if you increase your protein and reduce your carbs – whilst sticking to your overall calorie limit – you may find it easier to lose weight. Why? Because protein fills you up for longer. If you consume a larger amount of protein, you’ll find you feel satiated for much longer than if you ate the same amount of calories in sweets or simple carbs.

The other thing is, it’s far harder to fill yourself up this way. 150g of protein will take far longer for most people to eat than 150g of sugar. One is better for you, whilst also making you feel full for ages. Pick the right foods within your calorie count and you won’t find yourself feeling hungry at all.

Mix Up Your Training

Training is one of the key parts of losing weight. Though you can simply reduce your calories, it’s much easier if you also burn more calories by exercising. Now, if you’re quite heavy and unable to run or do any high-impact exercise, that’s fine. Start by walking. Increase your walking time every week while maintaining your caloric intake.

Once you’re fit enough, you can start training harder. The problem is, the body is very good at adapting to the loads we put it under. If you do the same workout every day, you’ll put less stress on your body and therefore expend less energy. Instead, mix up your workouts on a daily or weekly business. A good idea for a week would be one run or cardio session, two weights sessions, and then a full-body HIIT session or fitness class. Within these individual workouts change up the moves, times, distance, and more to keep your body guessing and working hard.

Following these four simple tips will help you jumpstart your weight loss journey. The best thing is, once you start and you feel good, you’ll not want to stop. It becomes easier and easier, while you feel better and better!