Find Out The Meaning Behind Your Skull Jewelry

Skull jeweler is in a class of its own. No other type of jewelry can cause so much controversy and conflicting emotions. On the one hand, the skull is an ancient symbol that our ancestors used for all kinds of rituals and protective magic. On the other hand, modern people forgot about the positive features of this symbol. They associate it with danger, death, trouble, and other things we would like to avoid. In this state of things, a small group of people gravitates to skull jewelry, while others look at them with disapproval or confusion. We believe it is time to rehabilitate skulls and explain why there is nothing wrong with skull rings, pendants, and all this jazz.

More than a Symbol of Death

It is true, the skull represents death but do not rush to connect it to things with negative energy. Think of death as a stage in life. You cannot avoid it or deceive it. At best, you can delay it. Our ancestors believed in the cyclical nature of existence and the balance of things. The positive sides of our being alternate with the negative ones, and this is the very essence of life. When life comes to an end, this is not to be feared. After all, death is just a transition from one state to another. If concepts such as reincarnation and resurrection exist, death is a prerequisite for achieving them.

Having said all of this, it is obvious that the skull is a symbol of death, as well as life, rebirth, the cyclical nature of life, and inevitability. Does the skull look less intimidating if you know its meaning is full of positive connotations? We would like to think so.

By the way, did you know that the skull is the main symbol of the world-known Mexican festival, Day of the Dead? If you’ve watched Coco’s, a wonderful animated film by Pixar, you’ve probably noticed that Mexicans have a special attitude toward skulls. They consider them to be gateways for departed relatives to the world of the living. The most stunning are perhaps sugar skulls. At first, they emerged as cookies and sweets lavishly decorated with confectionery icing. Later, sugar skulls appeared as jewelry, prints, masks, and even festive makeup. Sugar Skulls are a great choice for those who don’t like sinister skulls. Their appearance is always sophistication mixed with artistry, a riot of colors, and floral patterns.

It is Also Intelligence

Silver skull earrings, a necklace, or pendant can be a sign of your extraordinary intelligence. On the one hand, they are a smart investment because the skull is one of the enduring symbols, it is not influenced by fashion, and it is unlikely that it will be forgotten in the near future. On the other hand, one of the interpretations of the skull symbol is wisdom. The skull is a receptacle for the brain. The brain is our computing center, it is responsible for consciousness, understanding, learning, cognition, i.e. all the things that we call intelligence.

In this sense, skulls gained popularity in the Middle Ages. The skull became one of the attributes of medieval philosophers, scientists, and alchemists, i.e. learned people. Many scientific works carried images of skulls on the covers. This symbol was especially common in combination with a snake. You’ve probably seen images of a skull and a snake crawling out of its eye socket. Someone sees a hint of death and decay in this imagery but, in fact, it conveys the message that knowledge is immortal.

Skull Is Friendship

One of the latest meanings of the skull is a brotherhood, bonds of friendship, and equality. The skull acquired this meaning only in the 20th century. It should thank the biker movement for expanding its significance.

Bikers started wearing skulls for two reasons. First, they believe that the skull is the mark for death. Those who carry it are able to avoid rendezvous with death. Needless to say, riding a motorcycle is a dangerous activity, so bikers need protection, both physical and mystical. Secondly, evil skulls are a means of intimidation directed against rivals and average Joes. Over time, however, the skull acquired an additional meaning, which was based on the equality of each member of biker clubs. Indeed, all decisions within a motorcycle club are made by voting, and each vote has equal weight. In addition, biker clubs keep their doors open to people of different backgrounds, walks of life, and worldviews. They may never have become friends outside this community, but within their community, they are on an equal footing and they are always ready to support one another. The skull, as the dominant biker symbol, conveys this very meaning.

Now that you know a little more about skulls, are you still afraid of them? Perhaps you should take the first step towards overcoming your fears and purchase a small piece of jewelry featuring this multifaceted symbol. Fortunately, they are available in gold and silver, adorned with enamel, carvings, and precious stones, large and small – there is definitely something that will resonate with you.