David JC Cutler Suggests Streamlining Your Wellbeing during the COVID-19

Self-care has taken center stage in people’s lives. Taking care of your health is of the highest essentiality in such unprecedented times. With several nations facing the trauma of COVID-19, one needs to know how to keep their sanity in place by following tips.

David JC Cutler Emphasizes Regular Breaks

Repowering is crucial in such times. It enables us to continue functioning at our best, even at the darkest moments. Many senior leaders are modeling that regular rest and break act as recharges. Often, we become anxious when our phones are at their lowest battery points but do not follow the same when it comes to us. Therefore, prioritize yourself.

Avoid Stress

If one exhausts themselves at the start of a marathon, they will not cover the remaining miles smoothly. Therefore, till the world is free of the virus, one needs to avoid stress. Stress is normal to occur when something changes. The drastic changes the coronavirus pandemic has brought leads to mental and emotional stress in people. However, David JC Cutler recommends learning to engage in activities that interest you to keep away from the negativity and maintain your sanity levels.

Pay Attention to the Hyperarousal

 A good starting point is to understand one’s psychological hyperarousal. When the body crosses a threshold, it suggests that we need to stop and take a break. However, one does not admit the struggle one is facing. Build your awareness towards your body and mind. You can seek online exercises and tests that can help you learn more about your body responses.

Take Rest

While stressed, sleep does not come easily. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, many health workers are struggling with their sleep cycles. Apart from their busy schedules, the haunting fear of the virus makes them vulnerable to become insomniacs. If you have family members or friends who are health workers, pay attention to their schedules and offer them emotional support. A lot of public and private firms are mobilizing psychological therapists to help people manage their difficulties. Check with local psychology lead to keep track of your mental wellness.

Sleep has become a luxury to millions of people. Many people have lost their jobs, some students have no clarity regarding their education, and older adults face dilemmas regarding their remaining health and time in this world. When we are sleep-deprived, the immune system functions poorly, increasing our chances to contract the virus. One needs to know that taking care of the physical health by correctly balancing sleep, eating habits, and exercise is essential. Prioritize getting adequate sleep to get your body functioning well.

Long-Term Emotional Processing 

Look at each other with compassion. With the unreality setting, one needs to focus on witnessing and acknowledging the experiences of working through the global health crisis.

Building well-functioning communities are essential. Becoming thoughtful and sensitive to the people around us and considering the difference in attitudes is the key to keeping calm. Paying attention to each other’s needs can make a huge difference.