Why Having A Calendar Helps You Be More Efficient and Organized

Staying organized and on top of your game is easier said than done, especially if you have a hectic schedule. The reality of the situation is that we only have 24 hours to finish all the tasks we may have—dropping the kids at school, going to work, and running errands. It is not also fair that we have to find time to cook, exercise, and socialize to maintain a healthy work/life balance. 

Understandably, juggling all of this at once may prove too overwhelming if you do not know how to pace yourself. However, you do not need to hire a PA to keep everything in check. By simply keeping a calendar, you can achieve all of this and much more. Want to know how calendars can enhance your efficiency? Read on for more information.

Avoid Missed Appointments

Do you feel like you are always running late? Well, we have all been there, and believe us, the mini panic attack that ensues every time this happens is enough reason to try and be more organized. With a calendar, you can keep track of all important appointments, whether personal or work-related. Not only do calendars help you alleviate the stress and anxiety so closely related to being late, but they also enable you to make a great first impression, which will, in turn, open up many opportunities, both professional and personal. Remember, being on time is just common decency, not a favor, and showing up when it is convenient for you is a big no-no! 

Remember Special Dates

We are all guilty of being too engrossed in work to remember important anniversaries and birthdays. Nonetheless, if this has become so extreme that it is costing you your personal relationships, then it might be time for a change. The solution? Keeping a calendar—it is really as easy as that! By jotting down all the important upcoming events in your trusty calendar, you can say goodbye to socially embarrassing moments and appear organized and dependable. Some special calendars also help you keep track of unofficial holiday dates so that you can have some fun every once in a while. For instance, Strawberry Ice Cream Day is coming up in a few days. This might be the perfect opportunity to unwind with delicious ice-cream and binge-watch your favorite Netflix shows!

Say No to Procrastination

Spending an extra 30 mins watching funny cat videos, doodling, or just lazing around when you have work to do can definitely throw your whole day off-track. And, when you finally realize that you have been procrastinating, you may just rush off to finish your tasks without taking extra care about the quality of your work. On the other hand, having a calendar at hand will help you stay accountable and have a visual reminder of what you need to achieve. In fact, devising a detailed visual plan is usually recommended as a potent method of staving off procrastination. So, if you are feeling that you are not as productive as you ought to be, certainly give calendars a try; you never know!

Have a Personal Assistant on the Go

Who wouldn’t love to have a PA help them keep track of their day-to-day routine? Unfortunately, unless you are one of the top 1% or a renowned CEO, this option is not really practical or cost-efficient. Don’t despair, though, because you have another much less expensive alternative at hand! Yes, you guessed it—your calendar! Nowadays, you do not have to settle for a boring paperback calendar when you can have a smart one on your phone.

There are many great applications available on both Android and iOS to take your pick from. Most of these applications function as a calendar/PA, sending you notifications and activating alarms to remind you of your tasks and special events. Some smart options also make use of the GPS function on your phone, prompting you to check items off your to-buy list when you are near the right kind of store. For example, if you set “buy milk” as one of the items on your to-do list, your smart calendar may send you a notification when you are close to a supermarket.

Even though keeping a calendar is perhaps one of the oldest and most efficient methods to reclaim your time, many people dismiss it as an outdated organizational tool. However, now that you know some of the benefits of calendars, you can avoid missing important appointments and forgetting anniversaries. So, take out your paperback calendar or download a smart calendar app on your phone to boost your productivity and manage your time better.